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PBA HatTrick Fact Sheet

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1. Better pulse varieties faster Ascochyta & Phytophthora resistant chickpea KEY FEATURES z z Moderately z Resistant/Resistant z (MR/R) z to z Ascochyta z blight (resistance z is z > z Flipper A but z < z PBA z Boundary A ). z z Moderately z Resistant z (MR) z to z Phytophthora z root z rot zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (resistance z is z > z Jimbour A z but z < z Yorker A ). z z High z yielding z across z all z chickpea zzz growing z regions z of z Northern z NSW zzzzzzzzzz and z Southern z Qld. z z Tall, z erect z plant z type zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (similar z to z Jimbour A z and z Kyabra A ). z z Mid-season z maturity zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (equivalent z to z Jimbour A z and z Kyabra A ). z z Medium z sized z desi z seed z suited z to z the z direct z human z consumption z market. z z Excellent z milling z quality. MAIN ADVANTAGES PBA HatTrick A is an Ascochyta blight resistant desi chickpea that is well suited to all current chickpea growing areas in Northern NSW and Southern Qld. It is the first variety to combine moderate to high levels of resistance to the two key disease limitations in north-eastern Australia (Ascochyta blight and Phytophthora root rot). PBA HatTrick A also captures the plant architecture, yield potential, broad adaptation and seed quality of its Jimbour A parentage. SEED PROTECTION & ROYALTIES PBA HatTrick A is protected under Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) legislation. Growers can only retain seed from their production of PBA HatTrick A for their own seed use. An End Point Royalty (EPR) of $4.40 per tonne (GST inclusive), which includes breeder royalties, applies upon delivery of this variety. Seed is available from the commercial partner Seednet. AREA OF ADAPTATION PBA HatTrick A Desi Chickpea Toowoomba Theodore Roma St George Goondiwindi Dalby Dubbo Moree Walgett Nyngan Tamworth Parkes Narrabri Inverell Warwick Region 2. (Medium Rainfall) Region 3. (Low Rainfall)

4. Better pulse varieties faster SEED QUALITY PBA HatTrick A is a standard ‘Indian’ type desi chickpea. Seed size, shape and seed coat texture are very similar to Jimbour A , whereas colour is slightly darker. Milling quality is excellent, giving dhal yields 1-2% higher than other varieties commonly grown in north-eastern Australia. The dhal is similar in shape and size to that of Jimbour A and has the distinct dimpling required by Indian markets to differentiate it from field pea dhal. MARKETING PBA HatTrick A has been assessed by traders in India and considered suitable for both direct consumption and splitting end uses. BREEDING PBA HatTrick A (evaluated as CICA0512) was developed by the PBA desi chickpea program, led by NSW-DPI from a cross between Jimbour A and the Ascochyta resistant Iranian landrace ICC14903. PATHOLOGY Disease management information has been compiled from experiments conducted by NSW-DPI through the GRDC project DAN00110 ‘More Profitable Chickpeas through Disease Management and Disease Screening - Northern Region’ and by DEEDI through the GRDC project DAQ00108 ‘Reducing the Impact of Pulse Diseases in the Northern Region’. PBA is an unincorporated joint venture between the GRDC, University of Adelaide, SARDI, DPI Victoria, I&I NSW, DEEDI, DAFWA and Pulse Australia. It aims to deliver better pulse varieties faster. F OR MORE INFORMATION PBA Brondwen MacLean GRDC PO Box 5367 Kingston ACT 2604 Ph: 02 6166 4500 b.maclean@grdc.com.au www.grdc.com.au/pba S EED ENQUIRIES Seednet National z Production z and z Logistics z Office Corner Jeparit Rd & Western Hwy PO Box 17, Dimboola Vic 3414 Ph: 03 5389 0150 Fax: 03 5389 1121 admin@seednet.com.au www.seednet.com.au Central z & z Southern z NSW Robert Gill Ph: 0428 122 465 robert.gill@seednet.com.au S eednet’s mission is: “To deliver high performance seed based genetics to Australian grain growers and end user customers via superior product and service delivery channels”. Seednet is proud to partner with Pulse Breeding Australia and invest in the improvement of Australian desi chickpea varieties. AGRONOMIC ENQUIRIES Central z New z South z Wales Kristy Hobson, NSW-DPI, Ph: 02 6763 1174 Kevin Moore, NSW-DPI, Ph: 02 6763 1133 Leigh Jenkins, NSW-DPI Ph: 0419 277 480 Gordon Cumming, Pulse Australia, Ph: 0408 923 474 Northern z New z South z Wales Kristy Hobson, NSW-DPI, Ph: 02 6763 1174 Kevin Moore, NSW-DPI, Ph: 02 6763 1133 Leigh Jenkins, NSW-DPI Ph: 0419 277 480 Gordon Cumming, Pulse Australia, Ph: 0408 923 474 Southern z Queensland Col Douglas, DEEDI, Ph: 07 4660 3613 Malcolm Ryley, DEEDI, Ph: 07 4688 1316 Gordon Cumming, Pulse Australia, Ph: 0408 923 474 Disclaimer: Recommendations have been made from information available to date and considered reliable, and will be updated as further information comes to hand. Readers who act on this information do so at their own risk. No liability or responsibility is accepted for any actions or outcomes arising from use of the material contained in this publication. Reproduction of this brochure in any edited form must be approved by Pulse Breeding Australia © 2011 Version September/2011 PBA z Desi z Chickpea Kristy Hobson NSW-DPI Tamworth Agricultural Institute 4 Marsden Park Road Calala NSW 2340 Ph: 02 6763 1174 kristy.hobson@industry.nsw.gov.au Variety Seed weight (g/100) Dhal yield (%) PBA HatTrick A 20.1 65.1 PBA Boundary A 19.5 64.7 Jimbour A 19.8 64.2 Kyabra A 25.3 64.9 Flipper A 18.1 62.4 Yorker A 21.2 62.9 Source: Pulse Breeding Australia PBA HatTrick A Jimbour A Northern z NSW z & z QLD Jon Thelander Ph: 0429 314 909 jon.thelander@seednet.com.au PBA HatTrick A Desi Chickpea 0 5 10 15 20 25mm 0 5 10 15 20 25mm

3. PULSE BREEDING AUSTRALIA Virus z PBA HatTrick A is rated Moderately Susceptible (MS) to the suite of viruses that affect chickpea, similar to other commonly grown desi varieties. z Retention of cereal stubble, timely sowing and establishment of the recommended plant population (see below) provide the most effective management in virus-prone districts such as the Liverpool Plains. z There is no evidence to support the use of seed or foliar insecticides to reduce losses caused by viruses in chickpea. AGRONOMY Plant characteristics PBA HatTrick A is similar in appearance to one of its parents Jimbour A . It has a tall, erect plant type with pods held well above the ground. Under high yielding situations it has exhibited a slightly increased tendency to lodge, although this is not considered a significant problem. Flowering and harvest maturity are similar to Jimbour A and Kyabra A , and significantly earlier than Flipper A and Yorker A . Sowi n g z Target the optimum planting window for your area, but avoid very early sowing. z Sow high quality seed at rates calculated to achieve a plant population of 25-30 plants/m 2. Typically 50 to 65 kg/ha, depending upon germination percentage and planting conditions. z Inoculate with Group N Chickpea Rhizobium. T olerance of physical stresses z Moderately intolerant of salt (same as Flipper A and Kyabra A ; more tolerant than Jimbour A ; less tolerant than Yorker A ). z The tolerance of PBA HatTrick A to label recommended rates of registered herbicides is similar to Jimbour A based on visual observations from three years of trials conducted on calcareous alkaline soils in South Australia. Widespread field evaluation in the Northern Region has found no increased sensitivity over other commonly grown varieties to registered herbicides provided label directions are complied with. z There is no evidence of increased sensitivity to frost compared to other varieties. DISEASE MANAGEMENT Ascochyta blight (AB) Follow the general guidelines for reducing the risk of Ascochyta blight in ‘Winter Crop Variety Sowing Guide’ from NSW-DPI or ‘Chickpea: Ascochyta Blight Management’ from Pulse Australia z PBA Ha tTrick A represents a significant improvement in Ascochyta resistance compared to other desi varieties currently grown in the target regions of Northern NSW and Southern Qld. z Its M oderately Resistant/Resistant (MR/R) Ascochyta rating means that disease development will be slow and there will be no or minimal yield loss in most seasons. z In most seasons ther e is no cost benefit in applying a fungicide before Ascochyta is detected. z However, in seasons of high disease pressure, a reactive foliar fungicide spray strategy may be warranted and at least one pod protection spray is likely to be required. z M onitor the crop 10-14 days after each rain event and if Ascochyta is detected consult your agronomist. Phyto pht hor a root rot (PRR) z PBA HatTrick A is Moderately Resistant (MR) to Phytophthora. It is slightly more resistant than Jimbour A and Kyabra A and slightly less resistant than Yorker A . z T he resistance means that production losses will be significantly reduced compared to those of Susceptible (S) varieties. However, losses can still occur under conditions that are highly conducive to Phytophthora. z A ppropriate paddock selection will minimise disease risk (e.g. avoid poorly drained areas and paddocks with a history of Phytophthora; ensure at least a two year break). Botrytis grey mould (BGM) z Controlled environment testing, confirmed by opportunistic field testing in 2010, indicates that PBA HatTrick A is Susceptible (S) to BGM, broadly similar to all other regional desi varieties, except for Jimbour A which is rated Moderately Susceptible (MS). z Monitor for BGM in spring as temperatures and humidity rise. Apply a registered fungicide containing either carbendazim or mancozeb once BGM has been identified within the crop. REFER TO DETAILED INFORMATION AT www.pulseaus.com.au Ute guides, crop and disease management bulletins PBA HatTrick A Desi Chickpea

2. PULSE BREEDING AUSTRALIA PBA HatTrick A is not recommended for Central Qld where yields are lower than those of the established varieties. As part of the Ascochyta blight management program for Central Qld an industry moratorium prevents the movement of seed from Regions 2 & 3 into Central Qld. PBA HatTrick A is not recommended for Southern NSW, Victoria, South Australia or Western Australia. YIELD & ADAPTATION PBA HatTrick A is well adapted to all areas of Region 2 (Central/North-Western Slopes of NSW and Darling Downs of Qld) and Region 3 (Central/North-Western Plains of NSW and Western Downs/Maranoa of Qld) where chickpeas are currently grown. Yields are similar to Jimbour A and Kyabra A and generally much higher than Flipper A and Yorker A . PBA HatTrick A Desi Chickpea Yield of desi chickpea varieties in north-eastern Australia Variety Averaged yields for Regions R2 & R3 expressed as a % of PBA HatTrick A yield Sth NSW 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2003-2010 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R5 PBA HatTrick A (t/ha) 2.12 2.28 1.78 1.56 2.14 1.96 1.27 1.10 1.86 1.68 1.23 1.69 PBA HatTrick A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 PBA Boundary A 109 104 104 102 109 105 106 106 106 109 105 105 Jimbour A 72 78 104 103 99 96 103 102 102 102 96 - Kyabra A 78 72 106 105 99 96 105 104 106 - - - Flipper A 95 86 97 92 96 90 97 86 96 89 92 94 Yorker A 88 98 100 96 98 89 92 88 94 91 96 - PBA Slasher A - - - - - - - - - - 110 111 Disease resistance rating and yield loss of desi chickpea in north-eastern Australia Variety Ascochyta blight (AB) 1 Phytophthora root rot (PRR) 2 Resistance rating Yield (t/ha) % Yield loss Resistance rating Yield (t/ha) 3 % Yield loss 2009 3 2010 3 2009 2010 PBA HatTrick A MR/R 1.71 1.71 8 34 MR 1.06 62 PBA Boundary A R/MR 1.84 2.32 4 4 MS 0.90 68 Jimbour A S 0.44 0.00 77 100 MS/MR 0.88 68 Kyabra A S - 0.00 - 100 MS - - Flipper A MR 1.69 - 9 - MS - - Yorker A MS 1.80 - 5 - MR 1.42 50 PBA Boundary A disease free 1.91 2.41 - - 2.77 - Agronomic traits of desi chickpea in north-eastern Australia Variety Flowering score # Maturity score # Plant height (cm) Lodging score ## PBA HatTrick A 4.6 5.1 53 2.0 PBA Boundary A 5.5 5.0 55 2.0 Jimbour A 4.8 5.1 52 1.6 Kyabra A 4.4 5.1 54 1.4 Flipper A 6.5 6.3 54 1.3 Yorker A 5.8 6.0 48 1.7 Source: Trial results from Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) and National Variety Trials (NVT) programs. Region 2 (R2) Central/North-Western Slopes (NSW) and Darling Downs (Qld). Region 4 (R4) Southern NSW Medium/High rainfall east of the Newell Hwy Region 3 (R3) Central/North-Western Plains (NSW) and Western Downs/Maranoa (Qld). Region 5 (R5) Southern NSW Low/Medium rainfall west of the Newell Hwy Source: NSW-DPI and Qld DEEDI Plant Pathology teams. 1 Ascochyta blight yield loss trial, Tamworth 2009 & 2010 - NSW-DPI 3 Yields are in the presence of high disease pressure with no fungicide applications. 2 Phytophthora root rot yield loss trial, Warwick 2009 - DEEDI and NSW-DPI. Source: Pulse Breeding Australia trials program 2004-2010. # 1 = very early; 9 = very late. ## 1 = fully erect, 9 = flat on ground.


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