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Grange-Barley Fact Sheet

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1. www.heritageseeds.com.au Description Grange barley was developed by the Nickerson barley breeding program. Derived from a cross between the two European malting varieties Braemar and Adonis, it is a high-yielding, medium-long season variety with a 3-4% yield advantage over Oxford. With benefits including a high malt extract and good diastatic power, Grange barley offers broad adaptability standing 3-4 cm taller than Gairdner and 10cm taller than Baudin. It has an excellent lodging resistance and high grain harvest quality (excellent test weight and very low screenings). Variety Management / Agronomy Grange barley does not require any varietal specific management considerations. However when considering broader management requirements, please consult extension agronomists from various State Government departments or experienced commercial agronomists / consultants in the relevant growing areas. Key Features • Currently undergoing final year (Stage 2) malt accreditation • High yield potential • Medium / late maturity – similar to Gairdner and Baudin • Medium / short plant height • Broad adaptation to all barley growing areas across Australia • Excellent straw strength and resistance to lodging • Large kernel size and high test weight • High malt extract – superior to Gairdner • High malt yields with good diastatic power. Disease Resistance / Tolerance Grange Barley 350- 450mm 5.5-8.0 Most Soil Types Disease Grange Powdery Mildew R Leaf Rust MR Stem Rust MR Spot Form Net Blotch MS Net Form Net Blotch MR-MS Scald MS-S CCN * S BYDV * MR Gairdner S S MS MS-S MR-MS S S R Baudin S-VS S MS MS MS S S MR Vlamingh S S MS MS MR MR S MR * CCN and BYDV data a combination of public and Seedmark (plot c ontractor) data . Commander MR S S MS-S MS-S S R S

2. www.heritageseeds.com.au Grange Barley Disclaimer: The information contained in this ‘Variety Profile’ is from Heritage Seeds, official and other sources and is considered reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Heritage Seeds does not accept responsibility for the consequences of any decisions made based on this information. Performance In 2009, Grange barley was entered in the National Variety Trials (NVT) for the first time in WA, SA, VIC and NSW. The results from the trials indicated that Grange barley out yielded Baudin and Gairdner in all regions where it was grown, with advantages ranging from 4 – 14 %. NSW GRANGE GAIRDNER Commander Westminister Navigator Scope N/E 4.106 3.582 4.075 3.831 3.684 3.748 N/W 3.706 3.219 3.701 3.531 ------- 3.436 S/E 3.809 3.423 3.848 3.626 3.483 3.548 S/W 3.422 2.972 3.304 ------ -------- 3.146 NVT Barley Main Season Trial Results (2005 – 2011) (t/ha) VIC GRANGE GAIRDNER Commander Bass Baudin Scope Buloke Westminister Mallee 2.701 2.386 2.587 2.415 2.343 2.447 2.490 ------- North Central 2.763 2.373 2.572 2.440 2.304 2.421 2.498 2.508 South West 5.014 4.740 4.986 4.855 4.477 ------- ------- 5.027 Wimmera 3.292 2.811 3.076 2.897 2.796 2.922 2.985 2.921 NVT Barley Main Season Trial Results (2005 – 2011) (t/ha) SA GRANGE GAIRDNER Commander Bass Baudin Buloke Vlamingh Lower EP 3.684 3.194 3.503 3.431 3.251 3.469 3.328 Mid North 3.946 3.501 3.860 3.705 3.469 3.747 3.630 Murray Mallee 2.346 2.025 2.246 2.036 1.938 2.157 2.047 South East 3.979 3.532 3.905 3.704 3.501 3.754 3.616 Upper EP 2.506 2.090 2.334 2.198 2.063 2.261 2.149 Yorke P 3.234 2.791 3.113 2.993 2.753 2.980 2.866 NVT Barley Main Season Trial Results (2005 – 2011) (t/ha) WA GRANGE GAIRDNER Commander Bass Baudin Hamelin Buloke Vlamingh Agzone 2 2.655 2.324 2.499 2.415 2.305 2.275 2.511 2.452 Agzone 3 3.249 2.837 3.122 3.044 2.737 2.867 3.140 3.015 Agzone 5 2.718 2.409 2.609 2.470 2.370 2.349 2.571 2.486 Agzone 6 3.250 2.854 3.139 3.046 2.813 2.845 3.063 2.982 NVT Barley Main Season Trial Results (2005 – 2011) (t/ha) Dr Ian Edwards from EdStar Genetics and Col Smith from Heritage Seeds inspecting a Grange Barley demonstration plot near Tamworth, NSW.


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