2. Rem GrainVacs are the proven great way to load ALL of your grain into a truck. The Classic Rem 2700 and the Rem 3700 GrainVacs have both established the benchmark for excellence in their respective classes. Both units are manufactured in Canada and serve not only the independent farmer but are widely utilized in commercial grain handling facilities. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Suffering from the “ flat bottom bin blues ”? With two clean out nozzles, three hose types and multiple lengths, even the gloomiest storage bins become easily conquered to allow maximum grain recovery in every situation. You’ll fully appreciate the dust free environment in the bin that the Rem GrainVac provides during bin clean up. Troublesome storage facilities? No Problem! The Rem GrainVacs come fully equipped with enough hose configurations to transport 100% of your grain from just about any storage facility you can imagine. Whether you have small bins or a large commercial facility, the Rem GrainVacs will transport your grain to a transport truck. This unsurpassed flexibility will completely change the way you look at grain storage options. Looking to upgrade to a larger truck? It’s easy to get your truck under the discharge chute of a Rem GrainVac. As a matter of fact we’ve built the highest discharge chute on the market. Taking too much time for auger setup? Stuck in a rut? Reaching through those boggy areas to get the grain out of your bins with the Rem GrainVac allows you to keep your trucks and tractor on solid ground even in the wettest of conditions. Whether it’s back breaking auger setups or clearing a path for your front end loader, at Rem we’ve discovered the solution that will save you both time and money. From the time you arrive on site to the first bushel in your truck you’d be hard pressed to see eight minutes pass. Need more quality time? The Rem GrainVac allows you to spend more time doing the things you want to do. Your lungs and back will feel the difference. Need some answers? Many of our grain handling customers require only a single Classic 2700 Rem GrainVac while others utilize multiple Rem 3700 GrainVacs. Whether you farm a quarter section or manage a commercial facility, Rem Enterprises Inc. has a solution to meet your needs. Solution? Now is the time to speak to a professional about which Rem GrainVac series will best suit your needs. Can’t get a tractor to all of your grain storage locations? We’ve got you covered! Choose the trailer mounted diesel powered models which feature high portability, quick setup times and the reliability of diesel power. Looking for the biggest bang for your buck? Use the storage you already have! Flat bottom bins, hopper bins, even bags or piles. No Problem! Our low maintenance system and proven high resale value gives you the lowest operating cost per bushel possible.
1. G rainV ac Family Owned Since 1966 Frank Rempel 2010 Made In Canada Rem Stands Behind Every Customer C A P A C I T I E S & S P E C I F I C A T I O N S R e m 2 7 0 0 G r a i n V a c R e m 3 7 0 0 G r a i n V a c CAP ACITIES C O R N 8 ft (2.4m) 6,000 bu/hr (150 t/h) 10,000+ bu/hr (250+ t/h) 24 ft (7.3m) 3,200 bu/hr (80 t/h) 8,000 bu/hr (200 t/h) 50 ft (14.6m) 2,200 bu/hr (56 t/h) 5,000 bu/hr (120 t/h) W H E A T 8 ft (2.4m) 5,000 bu/hr (135 t/h) 10,000 bu/hr (270 t/h) 24 ft (7.3m) 2,100 bu/hr (57 t/h) 8,000 bu/hr (215 t/h) 50 ft (14.6m) 1,400 bu/hr (38 t/h) 5,000 bu/hr (135 t/h) C A N O L A ( R A P E ) 8 ft (2.4m) 5,000 bu/hr (110 t/h) 9,500 bu/hr (215 t/h) 24 ft (7.3m) 4,000 bu/hr (90 t/h) 8,000 bu/hr (180 t/h) 50 ft (14.6m) 2,600 bu/hr (58 t/h) 5,000 bu/hr (112 t/h) Results may vary depending on conditions and hose configuration. PTO UNIT SPECIFICA TIONS W eight 2900 lbs (1315 kg) 4300 lbs (1950 kg) Hitch W eight 400 lbs (181 kg) 430 lbs (218 kg) Auger Discharge Height 14’ (4.25 m) 16’ (4.9 m) Hydraulic Requirements 2 GPM flow rate @ 2100 PSI 2 GPM flow rate @ 2100 PSI T ractor HP Requirement 85 PTO HP @ Full Bin Loadout 1 6 0 - 1 8 0 P T O H P @ F u l l B i n L o a d o u t R e m 2 7 0 0 D i e s e l R e m 3 7 0 0 D i e s e l DIESEL UNIT SPECIFICA TIONS W eight 6800 lbs (3084 kg) 8700 lbs (3946 kg) Hitch W eight 775 lbs (352 kg) 1280 lbs (581 kg) T railer Length 23’ (7 m) 23’ (7 m) Auger Discharge Height 14.6’ (4.5 m) 16.6’ (5 m) Engine Size 130 HP 200 HP ST ANDARD HOSE CONFIGURA TIONS 1-Stainless steel flexible hose 7”x 29” (18 cm x 0.7 m) 8”x 36” (20 cm x 0.9 m) 2-Stainless steel flexible hoses 7”x 80” (18 cm x 2 m) 8”x 96” (20 cm x 2.4 cm) 2-Aluminum Pipes 7”x 87” (18 cm x 2.2 m) 8”x 96” (20 cm x 2.4 m) 1-Aluminum Pipe 7”x 54” (18 cm x 1.3 m) 8”x 60” (20 cm x 1.5 cm) 1-Flexible rubber clean-up hose 7”x 81” (18 cm x 2 m) 8”x 81” (20 cm x 2 cm) 1-T elescoping T ube 8”x 25”- 38” (20 cm x 63 cm - 96 cm) 1-Floor sweep 7” Standard 8” Standard 1-Aluminum Bin Load-out Nozzle 7”x 36” (18 cm x 91 cm) 1-Clean-up nozzle with wheels 7” (18 cm) ISO 9001 Register ed Quality Management System Rem Enterprises Inc. Phone: 306.773.0644 2180 Oman Drive Fax: 306.773.1188 Swift Current, SK Canada T oll Free: 1.800.667.7420 S9H 3X4 remsales@rem.sk.ca www .rementerprisesinc.com * The above horsepowers are for optimum performance. Less horsepower may impact optimum performance. Franklin Becker of Burt, Iowa says, “my sons a n d I c u s t o m h a u l g r a i n f o r f a r m e r s a n d e l e v a t o r companies. With all twelve Rem GrainV acs we’ve owned since the first models, you just put that hose right into the grain and let the grain move. Y ou’ll fill up the truck really quick. It’ s great to have a machine that can move the grain more ef fectively and give you more time in life to do the things you like to do.” B i l l B r o s t o f O x f o r d , I n d i a n a says, “we like the speed that t h e R e m 3 7 0 0 G r a i n v a c m o v e s t h e p r o d u c t . W e f a r m 1 0 , 0 0 0 a c r e s o f c o r n a n d s o y b e a n s e a c h y e a r . F o r s t o r a g e , w e h a v e s o m e o l d e r g r a i n e l e v a t o r s i l o s a n d o t h e r t y p e s o f fl a t b i n s t h a t w e m o v e p r o d u c t o u t o f . T h e R e m G r a i n V a c w o r k s e x c e l l e n t f o r t h e m . ” W arr en Devor e of Ulysses, Kansas says, “we looked at several other brands, but certainly the Rem 3700 Diesel Gr a i n V a c h a s t h e m o s t c a p a c i t y in the industry . Eight years ago, we tried a Rem GrainV ac and I was pretty impressed. It worked really cool and slick, and we had no dust what so ever in the bin.”
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