Oilseed Standards 2014-15
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57. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 2014 Section 1 AOF 2 Page 57 of 67 Section 1: AOF 2, Technical Information
63. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 3 Page 63 of 67 Section 1: AOF 3, Technical Information
1. Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. August 201 4 AUSTRALIAN OILSEEDS FEDERATION INCORPORATED Section 1: Quality Standards, Technical Information & Typical Analysis 201 4 /1 5 Issue 13 – 1 August 2014
24. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF – Classification Dispute Settlement Page 24 of 67 2.6 The costs of laboratory testing, including sample freight and other related external costs will be borne by the person originating the dispute, unless the results of the laboratory testing improve the payment value of the load. In this case the receiver of the load shall pay the testing costs. All internal costs sh all be borne by each party.
46. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 46 of 67 4.3.4 Green Seed For canola and rapeseed , no penalty shall be incurred for up to a maximum of 2% green seed. Seed is to be rejected above that limit. 4.3.5 Damaged Seed For all commodities with a tolerance for damaged seed and/or sprouted seed, excepting edible soybeans , a 0.5% deduction applies to each parameter for each 1% over 3% (fractions in proportion) up to a maximum of 10%. For these commodities, the maximum level is 10% and seed is to be rejected above that limit. 4.3.6 Free Fatty Acids For peanuts , the base level in the standard is 2%. A 2% deduction applies for each 1% of free fatty acids over 2% to 3%, and a 3% deduction applies for each 1 % of free fatty acids over 3% to 5% (fractions in proporti on). The commodity is to be rejected if free fatty acids are over 5%. For canola , a 2% deduction applies for each 1% of free fatty acids above 1% (fractions in proportion). The canola is to be rejected if free fatty acids are over 2.5%. 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicable procedures
4. Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. August 201 4 INTRODUCTION General This Manual is compiled by the Australian Oilseeds Federation Inc. as an industry reference for Quality and Trading Standards (Standards) and Methods of Analysis. Use of these Standards is not mandatory however industry is encouraged to adopt all elements of the Standards where possible. Use and compliance with these Standards will provide consistency in the marketing and trading of oilseeds . Development of Standards The Standards are developed by the Australi an Oilseeds Federation Technical Committee. This is a committee comprising industry experts in relevant fields of breeding, growing, marketing, processing and consumption of a range o f oilseeds. The Standards are reviewed annually and published on the Australian Oilseed Federation website. The Technical C ommittee meets at l e ast three times a year to review all potential changes to the Standards. The procedure for developing standards is included on the AOF website. All changes must be approved by the Committee prior to adoption in the Standards. As these Standards are a direct reflection of ind ustry requirements, industry is encouraged to actively participate in their review and feedb ack from industry at any time is welcome. All feedback should be provided to the Australian Oilseeds Federation in written form. The address for all correspondence is via “Contact Us” on the AOF website, h ttp://www.australianoilseeds.com . Further information relating to technical issues and Standards used by the Australian oilseed industry can also be found at the AOF website. Implementation by Industry Whilst the information in this Manual is current at the time of publication, you will need to monitor the AOF website and other applicable information to ensure that you are aware of the changes to the Standards and the impact on your own trading arrangements. The Standards outlined in this Manual are appl icable for oilseeds harvested during the season of 201 4 /1 5 . DISCLAIMER This Manual lists the specifications and Standards which are agreed to by both the buyer and the seller on a contractual basis. However, this does not absolve either party from complying with the relevant human food and stock feed regulations which may apply at either the Federal and/or State level.
56. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 3 Page 56 of 67 4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 General Requests for adjustment for quality deficiencies of meals shall be made in writing within 30 days of the date of delivery of the load in question. Where such adjustments are to be made, and unless otherwise agreed to, the Official Samples of both buyer and seller shall be analysed by their respective labor atories and an average of the two results taken. Claims for quality deficiencies of hulls shall be subject to negotiation between buyer and seller. Where stated in the following section and agreed by the buyer, oilseed meals and hulls may be accepted wi th a quality parameter outside the tolerance limit. However acceptance of this oilseed meal or hull over the limit is not mandatory. In relation to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion. The adventitious presence of up to 0 .9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted in the various nominated non - GM canola meals listed in table 1. 4.2 Protein 4.2.1 Moisture within specification Where the crude protein level (or adjusted protein, see 5.2.2) is greater than 0.5% below the minimum trading standard, the selling price shall be adjusted in the proportion that the measured protein bears to that minimum standard. 4.2.2 Moisture outside specification Where the moisture is outside specification, the crude protein level shall be adjusted to the basis of the maximum moisture trading standard and pride adjustments made as in 5.2.1 above using this adjusted protein: Protein, Standard moisture = Protein, actual (100 - Standard m oisture) (100 - Actual moi sture 4.3 Moisture Where the m oisture content is above the maximum trading standard and the meal or hull is accepted, a 1% price deduction shall apply to the selling price up to 1% over the maximum level and a 1.5% price deduction shall apply between 1% and 2% over the maximum level (f ractions in proportion). Meals and hulls are rejectable above 2% over the maximum moisture level. 4.4 Other analyses Should analysis show any other specifications do not meet the trading standard, settlement is to be made between the parties concerned on the basis agreed to at the time of offer acceptance. If a settlement basis has not been defined at that time in the contract, then settlement will be made on a mutually acceptable basis or as decided by a mutually acceptable arbitrator. 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicable procedures.
53. I ssue No.13 , 1 August 2014 Section 1 AOF 1 - 3 Page 53 of 67 Section 1: AOF 1 - 3, Oilseed (Vegetable Protein) Meals and Hull Quality Standards 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for various Oilseed (Vegetable Protein) Meals and Hulls obtained from the processing of oilseeds. The Standards listed in this document apply to all oilseed meals and hulls traded and are to apply at Receival and / or on outturn, whi chever is applicable. 1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all oilseed meals and hulls sold for incorporation into stockfeed must comply with the relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural regulations. 1.3 In pa rticular oilseed meals and hulls must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and any other quality specifications listed in both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard (maximum residue limits in food and animal feedstuffs). Require ments of State Health Acts and Regulations must be observed where appropriate. 1.4 Sampling procedures must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used for analysis is representative of the consignment. 1.5 For domestic trading, Official Samples sh all be taken by the buyer and seller respectively at the time of receival and dispatch of each load. Samples shall be retained for at least two months after dispatch. 1.6 Specifications and price adjustments recorded are applicable to the analysis of Offic ial Samples taken and tested according to the prescribed methods. 2.0 PROCEDURES N/A Where a commodity does not have a tolerance for that particular quality parameter as indicated by “n/a” (not applicable), a test for that quality parameter is not required. Retention For all meals, retention is to be assessed as follows: 3 mm screen using woven wire DIN 3, 200g sample for 3 minutes, or 2 mm screen using woven wire US10 DIN 2, 200g sample for 3 minutes. 3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS The Quality Specifications as outlined in Table 1 apply to all oilseed meals and hulls traded at any stage in the supply chain . Any variations to the specifications for a particular trade are to be stated in the contract between the buyer and the seller. The gossypol content for cottonseed is either maximum 0.10% (solvent extracted) or 0.12% (pressed). Any variation to the general standard for crude protein shall be specified in the contract.
17. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 17 of 67 Ryegrass Ergot Ryegrass ergot is Claviceps purpurea infection of ryegrass kernels. Ergot produces elongated fungus bodies with a purplish - black exterior, a purplish - white to off white interior and a relatively smooth surface texture. Tolerances are defined in terms of the overall length in cm when pieces found in the sample are aligned end on end. Ryegrass Ergot for all commodities is included in Impurities. Sand and Soil Sand or Soil is generally regarded as unconsolidated mineral or organic material and may also co nsist of clumps of earth and grains of sand. For all commodities S and and Soil are included in Impurities. Sand A grain of Sand is defined as a particle of unconsolidated (loose), rounded to angular rock fragment or mineral grain between 0.06mm and 2.00mm in diameter. Smaller material is classified as Soil. Soil Soil is d efined as unconsolidated minerals (i . e ., sand, silt and clay) mixed with organic matter. The definition of Soil also includes clods of dirt. There is no size limit for Soil. Sand and Soil is to be determined as a % by weight in the entire half litre sampl e. Refer also to Stones. Saponification Value The Saponification value (or "Saponification number") is the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1g of fat under the conditions specified. It is a measure of the average molecular weight of all the fatty acids present. The Saponification value is reported to the nearest whole number. Sclerotes Sclerotes is a disease caused by the fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. For all commodities Sclerotes are included in Impurities. Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) In relation to canola and rapeseed, t he Sclerotes are initially white but harden to form small black structures which vary in size and shape. They may be small and round like a canola seed or up to 2 cm long and cylindrical, ovoid or irregular in shape. For canola and rapeseed , Sclerotes are to be determined as a percentage by weight of the entire half litre sample and expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Edible Soybeans For Edible Soybeans, a nil tolerance in the entire load applies to all Sclerotes o n any commodity . Seed Seed refers to whole or pieces of seed coats and kernels of the oilseed being assessed. Small Foreign Seeds Small F oreign S eeds only applies to edible soybeans. They are those weed seeds that fall through the screen and into the catch pan during the sieving process and do not have a specific tolerance nominated in the list of Weed Seeds in the Seed Contaminants section of each Standard . When soybeans are being assesse d, if small soybeans fall through a 4.75mm screen they are not included a s a S mall F oreign S eed.
37. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 37 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 9 (cont): Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard Commodity: EDIBLE MANUFACTURING GRADE SOYBEAN CSO 7 Continued Parameter Specification Comment/Variation OTHER CONTAMINANTS (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated ) Specific Allergens (entire load) N il Nil presence of peanuts in the form of kernel or peanut shell in any of the soybeans tendered for delivery. Additionally, should any form of peanut trash (including any form of vegetative matter be found in the delivery, the receival agent should be made a ware of the heightened risk of peanut allergen and records of the observation retained and the buyer of the seed should be alerted. Should this instance arise, the truck should be re - sampled and reassessed to confirm the absence of peanut shell or kernel. Ergot/Sclerotinia (entire load) N il Pieces of Ergot and / or Sclerotinia of any plant species Stored Grain Insects – Live (entire load) N il Includes live Pea Weevil Stored Grain Insects – Dead 5 I ncludes dead P ea W eevil Field Insects (Live and/ or Dead) 3 3 Nezara viridula (Vegetable Bugs) Field insects – All others Snails (entire load) N il Live or Dead Sand/ Soil ( % by wt ) 0.06 Above and/or below the screen Stones (entire load) Nil Stones greater than 2mm in diameter . Smaller material defined as Sand/ Soil . Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to, harmful substances including glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for soybeans, smut, material imparting an odour to the soybeans, sticks /stubble , artificial colouring including marker dye and pickled seed. Includes Fusarium (pink) fungal stained.
45. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 45 of 67 4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 General Where stated in the comment/price adjustment column and agreed by the buyer, several commodities may be accepted at Receival with an impurities level over the tolerance limit. However acceptance of commodities over this limi t is not mandatory. Where a commodity is accepted over the Standard limit for impurities, in addition to the adjusting charge the buyer may also apply a grading charge which is calculated at their own discretion. For cottonseed, no price adjustments are applicable for impurity content. For other commodities, namely linseed, polyunsaturated & monounsaturated sunflower, safflower, edible and crushing soybean, canola, linola, rapeseed and peanuts, the impurity content or, where over 4%, the corrected impu rity content, shall be deducted from the gross weight of seed received to give the Corrected Net Weight from which shall be calculated the Clean Seed Value. The Clean Seed Value shall be the basis for calculation of all premiums and deductions. In relat ion to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion. Peanuts for oil extraction are generally purchased as a by - product of the preparation of food - grade nuts. In this case rejection clauses may not apply. Price adjustments shall be a pplied to the Clean Seed Value. 4.2 Corrected Net Weight For linseed, polyunsaturated & monounsaturated sunflower, safflower and crushing soybean the standard impurity limit is 4%, over which the seed is rejectable. If accepted, the gross weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up to 4% and a 2% deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proportion). For canola, linola and rapeseed the standard impurity limit is 3%, over which the seed is rej ectable. If accepted, the gross weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up to 4% and thereafter a 2% deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proportion). For peanuts , the standard impurity limit is 4%, over which the seed is rejectable. If accepted, the gross weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up to 4% and thereafter a 1.5% deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proport ion). 4.3 Clean Seed Value Clean Seed Value is the price per tonne of a commodity multiplied by the corrected net weight. Adjustments shall then be applied to the Clean Seed Value as follows: 4.3.1 Oil Content For safflower seed a 2% premium or deduc tion applies for each 1% of oil content above or below the standard respectively (fractions in proportion). For al l other commodities where an oil tolerance is stated in the standard, a 1.5% premium or deduction applies for each 1% of oil content above or below the standard respectively (fractions in proportion). 4.3.2 Moisture - Where stated in the relevant standard, receivals above the maximum limit may occur for particular commodit ies , with deductions as detailed in the Standard. 4.3.3 Broken or Split Seed For those commodities with a tolerance for broken or split seeds , excepting edible soybeans , a 0.5% deduction applies for each 1% of broken or split seeds above the maximum l imit (fractions in proportion).
60. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 2 - 1 Page 60 of 67 3.4.2 Value of Seed Intakes and Total Seed Stored a. Calculate the weight and value of seed into storage for each party in the pool using the average analysis of each party's intake at the agreed seed price. From these calculate the total pool weight and value. Pool intake values shall be of the dried seed where drying has been undertaken . b. Calculate the average total pool analysis. Calculate the value of each party's intake at average pool analysis by taking a proportion of the total pool value based on each party's weight to total pool weight. 3.4.3 Seed Balances a. Preliminary Base Adjustment: At the completion of receivals, determine the excess or deficit of the calculated seed value for each party taking the seed value out as being equivalent to the receival weight at the total pool average analysis. These adjustments will be self - balancing: Base Adjustment = Value in Value at average pool analysis A positive result indicates a credit due to the party and vice versa. These are the first payments made to all parties at the completion of receivals. b. Overall Seed Value Balance When all outturns have been made from the pool determine the overall seed value balance for the pool "in" minus “out” in this case using actual weights out of storage for each party and the total po ol but still at the average pool value (ie analysis). c. Determine the proportion of the value of intakes plus outturns (at average analysis) for each party in relation to the total value of intakes plus outturns (at average analysis). Intakes and transfe rs do not include any transfers between parties to the pool (see 3.3 above). d. Apportion the overall seed value balance, either as a debit or credit as appropriate, to each party according to (see 3.4.3, c.). In this case a positive result indicates a de bit to the party and vice versa. 3.4.4 Outturn Guarantee Determine the extent, if any, that the total outturn value is below the guarantee as specified in the contract and credit each party for any deficiency in terms of seed value in the proportion of t he value of seed each has received and out - turned (see 4.3.4, c). These payments are payable by the Pool Manager. 3.4.5 Supplementary Final Adjustment Subtract the Preliminary Base Adjustment from the corresponding Total Pool Adjustment to give a final outstanding credit/debit to be applied to each participant and the Manager (if required).
58. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 2 - 1 Page 58 of 67 Section 1: AOF 2 - 1, Common Storage of Oilseeds - Accounting for Gains/Losses 1.0 DEFINITION This Standard gives a means of determining losses in common storage and their allocation to pool participants. In principle, seed is valued on receival and outturn: loss in value due to loss of stock, weighing errors, analysis errors, etc. as well as gains are divided among participants. On the other hand, losses a bove a guaranteed level are allocated to the Pool Manager. However, the disadvantage of the procedure has been that it requires finalisation of the pool before allocations can be made; this leads to unacceptable delays because the pool is mostly not final ised for some time after completion of the intake. Costs of sampling and testing of outturns and the differences noted in analyses have also been of concern, even though effects of the latter are covered in the standard. This current revision offers a com promise to satisfy these concerns: value allocations are made on finalisation of intakes to participants according to a comparison of the intake value of each at average receival analysis with the value of the receival weight at average total pool analysis . The assumption is that all outturns will be at intake weight and near enough to average pool quality. At completion of the pool a final supplementary adjustment is made for each party for the actual weight of outturns together with any deficiency for gua ranteed outturn that may be payable by the Pool Manager. 2.0 GUARANTEED OUTTURN The Pool Manager shall guarantee a percentage outturn yield based on the value of the intake (or a percentage of the pool intake weight valued at average pool analysis) and this shall be specified in the contract. If the value of the total outturn at average pool analysis is less than this calculated yield value, the Manager shall make a credit of the deficiency to the parties using the facility. The major portion of such cre dit can be made with seed of no lesser quality than the pool average. The Pool Manager shall direct all outturn deliveries to those participating in the storage programme and to no other party except by direction of one of the parties (see 3.3 below). Any guarantee adjustment shall be made according to the proportion of the value of the intakes (at intake analysis) plus outturns for each party (at average pool analysis) to the value of total intakes plus outturns so calculated. 3.0 MATERIALS BALANCES 3.1 Seed Price 3.1.1 The price of seed at standard quality, clean seed basis, shall be agreed upon by participating parties and shall reflect the value of the seed accumulated at the time of intake including storage costs. It shall be specified in the agreem ent. 3.1.2 This price, adjusted for quality (oil content, clean seed basis, impurities and other parameters to be determined by the parties) according to the provisions of the AOF * , shall be used for determining seed value in storage calculations. 3.1.3 Where transfers within the pool are made between participating parties to the pool, the price of the seed traded or transferred between parties will only be of concern to the parties involved (see 3.3 below). 3.2 Analysis 3.2.1 Seed into storage shall be sampled and analysed according to the Quality Standards of the AOF whose provisions for disputed results shall also apply. Samples shall be stored in sealed plastic bags or containers in a protected area to minimise moisture changes. Analyses shall be car ried out by an independent NATA* Laboratory or as otherwise agreed. * AOF - Australian Oilseeds Federation Inc
6. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 6 of 67 Peanuts Not applicable. A ll Other Oil seeds (except canola, rapeseed, crushing soybeans , edible soybeans and peanuts ) A ll hulls, kernels or parts thereof, not otherwise damaged retained above the screen. Cascade Rule In relation to Edible Milling grade soybeans, if a sample fails this standard, it may be received as Edible Manufacturing grade soybeans providing it meets that standard. Chlorophyll The presence of high chlorophyll in seed devalues the seed and subsequent oil extracted from that seed. Green seed is an indicator of chlorophyll only. Chlorophyll is the primary method for assessment and green seed assessment is the secondary assessment method in canola . Chlorophyll ass essment always over - rides the gree n seed count . Chlorophyll is to be measured by spectrophotometer and the amount reported in ppm. Clean Seed Clean seed includes all seed material of the particular oilseed being tested other than that defined as I mpurities i.e., material retained above the screen after screening (where applicable) and /or removal of I mpurities. Cold Pressed Oil Cold pressed oils are edible vegetable oils obtained by mechanical extraction from the parent oilseed without pre - cooking or heating and without subsequent chemical extraction and/or chemical refining. They may have been purified by washing with water, settling, filtering and centrifuging only. Colour For colour, analysis is to occur via different methods as indicated, with res ults expressed in AOCS Lovibond units or Gardner 1933. Where specified, the maximum Red value is indicated by R and the maximum Yellow value is indicated by Y. For all oil types and all methods, the colour value is to be reported to the nearest whole numb er. Corrected Net Weight The resultant weight once the I mpurity content has been deducted from the gross weight. Only applies to linseed, sunflower, safflower, soybean, canola, linola, rapeseed and peanuts. Crude Fibre Crude fibre is a mixture of largely indigestible substances of vegetable origin and consists chiefly of cellulose and other vegetable cell wall substances. Crude fibre is to be determined from the entire sample and reported to the nearest percent. Crude Oil Crude oil, sometimes referred to a s raw oil, is oil in an unrefined or natural state. Crude Protein Crude protein is defined as the amount of protein in the sample of meal or hull, based on the amount of nitrogen in the meal or hull. Crude protein is to be analysed on the entire sample . It is calculated from the total nitrogen content i.e., % Protein = Total Nitrogen (%) x 6.25 and reported to the nearest percent. Damaged Damaged refers to oilseed commodit i es that are materially damaged that may or may not be defined within these Standards . Each quality parameter included in the Damaged category is separately defined within these Standards:
9. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 9 of 67 sample to ignite under specified test conditions. The closed cup equilibrium method is to be used and the result reported to the nearest degree Cel sius. Foots Foots is defined as the sediment (fine solids) that forms during the refining of oil. Foots are to be reported as a percentage of the total oil content, reported to the nearest 1%. Foreign Material Refer to Impurities. Fractions in Proportion This term relates to the determination of premiums and discounts for various quality parameters. Refer to Section 1: AOF 2 - 1, for more details on how to calculate results. Free Fatty Acids Free fatty acids shall be defined as oleic acid unless otherwise specified. Free fatty acid content is to be determined on a weight basis on clean seed. All results are to be reported to the nearest 0.1%. Frost Damaged Frost damaged seeds are those seeds affected by frost during the growing phase. Seeds are generally recognised as intact shells only with no core. Frost Damaged seed is included in Damaged seeds . Frost damaged seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Genetic Modification The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is allowed in non - GM canola. Canola is rejectable over this limit. The adventitious presence of up to 5% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is allowed in non - GM canola meal. Canola meal is rejectable over this limit. Where required, g enetic modified seed or meal is to be expressed as the percentage by weight of the clean seed o r meal and reported to the nearest 0.1%. Germination Germination is defined as the initiation of growth of a dormant seed. Depending on the seed type, the definition may refer to different levels of initial growth of the seed that is seen visually by the n aked eye. Glucosinolates The glucosinolates are a class of organic compounds that contain sulphur, nitrogen and a group derived from glucose. They occur as secondary metabolites of many plants and plants use substances derived from glucosinolates as natur al pesticides and as a defence against herbivores. Glucosinolates are to be determined from the entire sample and reported to the nearest micromole per gram of oil - free air - dry solids. Gossypol Gossypol is a toxic phenolic compound that occurs in seed as a natural defence against insects. Gossypol effects the animals fed the resultant oilseed meal. Gossypol is to be determined on the entire sample and reported to the nearest 0.01%. Green Seeds Green seeds are those that are distinctively green when crushed, or show an intense green colour. Seeds that are yellow - green are not considered green.
21. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 21 of 67 Variet al Master List The Varietal Master List for each commodity all varieties approved for classification into a particular commodity and grade. V isual R ecognition S tandards G uide The Visual Recognition Standards Guide (VRSG) for various commodities contains a range of photographs and illustrations to supplement the oilseed Standards as outlined in this Manual. The definitions in this Manual are to be read in conjunction with the ph oto in the VRSG where shown which depicts the minimum affected standard for a seed to be classified as the respective defect shown. Refer Section 1 General Procedures for details on the latest version of the VRSG. Weather Damaged – Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) Weather Damaged seeds are classified under Damaged Seeds. Weather damaged seeds are those that have been subjected to rain during the maturation phase to the extent that they have become Weather damaged . When seeds are crushed, t hey may have a grey washed out appearance and a chalky texture. Weather damaged seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. For canola, this definition is to be read in conjunction w ith the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for canola to be classified as Weather Damaged. Weather Stained Weather Stained seeds are classified under Damaged Seeds. Weather stained seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1% except for Edible Soybeans . Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a , CSO2) Refer to Weather Damaged. Peanuts Weather Stained does not apply. Edible Soybeans Weather Stained r efers to discolouration of the seed coat that may be visible in various shapes and shades outside of the normal colour for that variety. It includes : Seed coats that have a colour that is distinctly different to that of the predominant variety in the sample. E xcessive seed coat staining such as purple staining. Discolouration caused by any means which may or may not be able to be determined. For Edible Soybeans, Weather Stained is to be determined as the number of grains per half litre retained above the screen. Commodities except canola, rapeseed, edible soybeans and peanuts A general term used to describe visible discolouration to the seed coat by any means that may or may not otherwise be defined or be distinguishable from other defects in these Standards. Discolouration of the seed coat may be visible in various shapes and shades outside of the normal colour for that variety. Weed Seeds The total weed seed content is to be included in the assessment of I mpurities. There are specific tolerances for various weed seeds for each commodity. In addition there are separate toleran ces for specific weed seeds that are common to all commodities as outlined in table 8 below except for edible soybeans which have a separate list of weed seeds. Refer also to the definition of Small Foreign Seeds.
10. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 10 of 67 Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) While being within the definition of Defectives, a separate tolerance for Green seeds appl ies to canola and rapeseed . Green seed is to be determined on the clean seed retained above the 1.0mm screen and reported to the nearest 0.1%. Where Green canola seed is measured, the Chlorophyll result overrides any Green seed result determined by the 100 or 500 grain seed ruler method. For canola, this definition is to be read in conjunction with the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for canola to be classifi ed as Green. Refer also to Chlorophyll. Peanuts Green seeds are not assessed. Edible Soybeans A separate definition and tolerance exists for Green seeds. Green seeds are those soybeans that show an intense green colour and are of a chalky consistency. All Other Commodities (except Canola, Rapeseed, Peanuts and Edible Soybeans) For all other commodities Green seeds are included in the definition and tolerance within Defectives. Heat Damaged and Bin Burnt These seed defects have been categorised together as the differences between them can be difficult to distinguish. Different tolerances for each quality parameter may apply depending on the oilseed commodity. Heat damaged or B in B urnt seed are those seeds and pieces of seed that are materially discoloured and damaged by heat. S eeds may have a heated odour or a brown powdery appearance when crushed. Heat damaged or B in B urnt is to be assessed on the number of seeds in a 1,000 seed sample . Canola and Rapese ed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) For canola and rapeseed , the assessment is based on the visual appearance of the grains when crushed. T his definition is to be read in conjunction with the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for a canola seed to be classified as Heat Damaged and Bin Burnt. Refer also to Mouldy. Heat Test The Heat T est determines the cloud and break temperature, the amount of break and quality of heat bleach of oil when exposed to high temperature. Results are to be expressed as a descriptor of the break and bleach at the relevant temperature. Immature Immature seeds are those that have not developed fully. Seeds may appear soft when pressed or crushed. Immature seeds are a part of Damaged seed. Immature seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Impurities Impurities generally refer to all material other than the oilseed being assessed. Depending on the commodity, Impurities may also include: All material, including whole seed and partial seed material of the respective oilseed being assessed, passing through the screen where a screen is prescribed for that oilseed o Using 40 shakes for slotted screens o Using 10 shakes for round hole screens Separate tolerances for specific weed seeds as described under the definition for Weed Seed s.
15. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 15 of 67 Water Addition The addition of water to an oilseed prior to delivery is a prohibited practice. Weed Seeds Specified weed seeds in excess of the lowest limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds. Other This refers to any other commercially unacceptable contaminant such as animal excreta, glass, concrete or metal. Objective Test An objective test is one where the analytical res ult is determined by an instrument e.g. Oil content. Official Sample The Official Sample is that sample representing the oilseed or oilseed product that is to be assessed for classification purposes and following analysis, payment for the commodity is to occur. OGTR Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, responsible for administering the national regulatory system for gene technology as set out in the Gene Technology Act 2000. Oil Content The oil content is the quantity of oil contained in the sample of clean seed as determined by the relevant prescribed solvent extraction method or by any rapid test procedure whose calibration is based thereon. moisture) retest (100 ) moisture delivered (100 (retest) content Oil ) (delivered content Oil Oil content is to be expressed to the nearest 0.1% and determined on a clean seed basis. Oilseed Hulls The hull is defined as the outer covering of a vegetable oilseed, also referred to as the husk. Otherwise Materially Damaged Otherwise Materially Damaged i s a general term for damage to a n oilseed commodity that is not otherwise listed in these Standards. Alternatively the damage may not be able to be readily identified and defined under a term listed in these standards. Otherwise Materially Damaged is included in the Damaged category. Otherwise Materially Damaged is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the specified screen and expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Edible Soybeans For edible soybeans, Otherwise Materially Damaged generally refers to water damage dur ing storage. Pea Weevil Pea Weevil refers to all life stages of insects of the species Bruchus pisorum . Note that a separate tolerance applies to Live and Dead Pea Weevils: Live A nil tolerance applies to all live Pea Weevils.
52. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 52 of 67 4.3 Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit. If accepted over the prescribed limit, a 2% price deduction for each 1% of moisture, volatiles and impurities that exceed this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion). 4.4 Chlorophyll in Canola Oil If accepted over the prescribed limit of 30ppm, the following price deductions shall apply. 31 35ppm 1.0% price deduction (fractions in proportion) 36 40ppm 2.0% price deduction 41 45ppm 2.5% price deduction 46 50ppm 3.0% price deduction Over 50ppm Rejectable over 4.5 P hosphorus Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit. If accepted over the prescribed limit, a 0.06% price deduction for each 10ppm t he phosphorus content exceeds this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion). 4.6 Peroxide Value Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit of 10mEq/kg. If accepted over this limit, a 1.5% price deduction shall be applied for each 1mEq/kg . Negotiable over 15mEq/kg if accepted. 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicabl e procedures. 6.0 COLD PRESSED OILS 6.1 General Cold pressed oils are edible vegetable oils obtained by mechanical extraction from the parent oilseed without pre - cooking or heating and without subsequent chemical extraction and/or chemical refining. The oilseeds shall be selected so as to give an extracted oil of the characteristic odour, taste and free fatty acids content. Specified cold test requirements specifications as outlined in 6.2 shall only be applicable when the oil is labelled "Winteri sed". 6.2 Specification All cold pressed oils must conform to the basic standards of the oil listed in table 1 obtained via non - cold pressed methods. In addition, the following specifications must be met where different to those specified, or where not specified, for the oil obtained via non - cold pressed methods: Odour: Mild, pleasantly characteristic Taste: Bland, with a slight nutty flavour Free Fatty Acids: FFA should be below the “Rejectable over limit’ for FFA as per the COMMODITY TRADING STANDARDS, Section 1 AOF 1 - 1, for oilseeds Peroxide Value: Limit of 15 mEq active oxygen / kg oil 6.3 Price Adjustments Price adjustments for cold pr essed oils shall apply.
13. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 13 of 67 Moisture, Volatiles and Imp urities For all oils, the moisture, volatiles and impurities content is to be determined on a weight basis. For bleached or refined oils, the results are to be reported to the nearest 0.01%. For all other oil types, the results are to be reported to the ne arest 0.1%. Mouldy Mouldy refers to seeds that have become affected by the development of fungi or bacteria due to an increase in seed moisture levels during storage or arising in the field. Affected seeds may appear discoloured, rotten, swollen and soft, feel spongy under pressure, show the presence of fungal spores or visibly affected by mould on the seed coat. Note a nil tolerance applies where affected seeds emit a mouldy odour. Refer also to Heat Damaged / Bin Burnt. Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, C SO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) For canola and rapeseed , Mouldy include s Field Fungi seeds. This definition is to be read in conjunction with the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for canola to be classified as Mouldy. The tolerance applies to the number of grains in a 1,000 seed sample. Cottonseed For cottonseed, the tolerance applies to the number of seeds in a 0.5kg sample. All Other Commodities (except canola , rapeseed and cottonseed ) T he tolerance applies to the number of grains in a half litre sample. National Re sidue Survey The National Residue Survey (NRS) gathers information and supplies chemical residue results on domestic and export oilseed commodities. The NRS results show Australian oilseed is of a high quality with respect to residues and contaminants. Al l oilseed exporters , container packers , bulk export terminal operators, Bulk Handling Companies and processors are encouraged to actively participate in the NRS oilseeds residue monitoring program. Contravention of an overseas MRL may cause the rejection of cargoes resulting in severe financial cost being incurred and potentially jeopardising Australian oilseed ex ports into that market. Information about the NRS is located at: http://www.daff.gov.au/agriculture - food/nrs Nil Unless otherwise stated, n il in these Standards means a level of zero and/or not d etected : I n a half litre sample representative of the entire load (or parcel of oilseed being assessed) ; or In any subsequent sub - sample used for assessment; or I n the load prior to or during the sampling process; or I n/on the delivery vessel ; or A t any stage of the receival process. Objectionable Material This includes harmful substances and material which may or may not be listed in these Standards that significantly devalues the appearance of the commodity, imparts an unacceptable odour, renders the commodity unfit for human or animal consumption , is commercially unacceptable or is a food safety issue. Material i nclude d in this definition varies by oil seed commodity. There may be separate tolerances in some commodities for particular quality parameters within Objectionable Material. Where those tolerances exist, t hat material is included in Impurities. Unless otherwise stated, Objectionable Material is to be determined in the entire half litre sample. Objectionable Material may include but is not limited to the following :
59. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 2 - 1 Page 59 of 67 3.2.2 The Pool Manager (or as otherwise agreed) shall take duplicate 1 kg samples of each load going into storage, sending one of these to each party or their agent for analysis and ca lculation of purchase payments and/or calculation of storage adjustments according to AOF provisions. Analyses of all seed for storage shall be sent to the Pool Manager as soon as completed. Note : This eliminates the need for analysis of the intake by th e Pool Manager. Analysis of the 500 tonne composites is thereby eliminated. Also no outturn analyses. 3.3 Transfers 3.3.1 Transfers or trade between pool participants or with an outside party shall be handled as a separate calculation by the pool partici pant(s) concerned, not by the Pool Manager. All seed in the pool retains the identification of the originators during the course of the pool. 3.3.2 Transferred seed shall be outturned under the originator's name, but with a further description such as "Oi lseeds Pty Ltd a/c Smith & Co." and shall be valued separately for the sale by the parties involved but included in the originator's pool calculations at pool price. The originator will either apply a set surcharge to the agreed transfer price to take care of any possible pool charges for an early settlement or apply a proportion of the pool charges (or credits) when known to the agreed transferred seed price, the proportion being: Value of t ransfer at pool pric e Value of t ranserer' s total se ed out including transferred quantities NOTE: Transfers are completely separate to and independent of pool calculations. 3.4 Calculations 3.4.1 Average Analysis of Seed Calculate the average analysis (oil content, clean seed basis and impurities) of the total seed intake for each party in the pool as described below. Other quality parameters shall be evaluated where above the allowed levels, but only if stipulated in the contract. For each load calculate : 100 %) , impurities - (100 seed wt. = seed clean of Weight 100 seed clean wt. % content, oil = Oil of Weight 100 % , impurities seed wt. = impurities of Weight Then calculate for each party and the total pool : seed clean wt. total 100 oil wt. total = % content, oil Average received as seed wt. total 100 impurities wt. total = % content, impurity Average
20. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 20 of 67 • Warehouse Beetle (Trogoderma variable) Note that a separate tolerance may exist for dead and live Stored Grain Insects. Live A nil tolerance applies to all live Stored Grain Insects in all commodities. This includes live Pea Weevil. Dead Dead Stored Grain Insects are included in the definition for Insects – Small for all commodities except edible soybeans. Note that Dead Pea We evil is included in the category of Insects – Large. Dead and p ieces of Stored Grain Insects are classified as Impurities. Insects are to be reported to the nearest whole number in the entire half litre sample. Subjective Test A subjective test is where the analysis result is determined using visual analysis and includes all Defective Seed tests (bin burnt, diseased, frost damaged, heat damaged, insect damaged, weather damaged, weather stained and immature), Broken and Split seed, Sprouted, Green seed and Chlorophyll (ruler method). Temperature For all commodities, t he maximum temperature of the oilseed tendered for delivery is 50 O C. Test Weight Test weight is a measure of the bulk density or volume of the oilseed based on the entire sample as received, measured in kilograms per hectolitre. Test weight is to be reported to the nearest 0.1kg/hl. Trade Certified Trade Certified refers to equipment whose model has a Certificate of Approval issued by the National Measurement Institute and which is monitored f or use under an approved program by the user of that equipment. Unlimited In these Standards means no limit applies and the parameter does not need to be assessed. That is, no minimum or maximum tolerance exists. The quality parameter may exist at unlimit ed levels in the sample being assessed as per these Standards or the test is not required to be conducted for that quality parameter . Unsaponifiable Matter Unsaponifiable matter includes those substances frequently found dissolved in fatty acids and drying oils which cannot be saponified by caustic treatment, but which are soluble in the normal fat solvents. Included are the higher aliphatic alcohols, sterols, pigments, and hydrocarbons. Unsaponifiable matter is to be reported to the nearest 0.1%. Varietal Restrictions For particular commodities only certain approved varieties are able to be received into a particular grade. This is termed Varietal R estrictions. Refer to the Varietal Master List for each commodity which lists the classification of each varie ty. Variety This is the next lowest level taxonomic rank of a plant below that of the term “species”. Oilseeds of differing varieties have differing genetic compositions which may endow them with differing agronomic characteristics, and/or differing end product qualit y characteristics.
51. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 51 of 67 4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 General A consignment shall be accepted by the purchaser if it conforms to specification requirements for clarity, flash point, colour, free fatty acids, refractive index and heat test properties and otherwise meets the Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF) industr y characteristics. Where stated in the following section and agreed by the buyer, oil may be accepted with a quality parameter over the tolerance limit. However acceptance of this oil over the limit is not mandatory. In relation to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion. 4.2 Free Fatty Acids (FFA) If accepted over the specified limit, the following price deductions shall apply. 4.2.1 Crude Oils other than those specified below 2.0 3.5% 2% price deduction for each 1% over 2% (fractions in proportion) Over 3.5% Rejectable 4.2.2 Soybean Oil 1.01% 1.05% 0.6% price deduction (fractions in proportion) 1.06% 1.15% 0.9% price deduction 1.16% 1.25% 1.2% price deduction 1.26% 1.35% 1.5% price deduction 1.36% 1.50% 1.8% price deduction Over 1.5% Rejectable. If accepted over 1.5% a 2% price deduction for each 1% over 1.5% shall apply 4.2.3 Sunflower Oil (all types), Linola Oil 2.1% 2.29% 0.3% price deduction (fractions in proportion) 2.3% 2.49% 0.7% price deduction 2.5% 2.69% 1.1% price deduction 2.7% 2.89% 1.5% price deduction 2.9% 3.0% 1.9% price deduction Over 3% Rejectable. If accepted over 3%, a 3% price deduction for each 1% over 3% shall apply 4.2.4 Canola Oil Crude Degummed 1.01% 1.29% 0.5% price deduction (fractions in proportion) 1.3% 1.5% 1.0% price deduction Over 1.5% Rejectable. If accepted over 1.5% a price deduction of 2% for each 1% over 1.5% shall apply 4.2.5 Peanut Oil 2.0% 3.0% 2% price deduction for each 1% over 2% (fractions in proportion) 3.10% 5.0% 3% price deduction for each 1% over 3% Over 5% Rejectable over 4.2.6 Unbleached Refined Cottonseed Oil Over 0.25% is rejectable. If accepted over 0.25%, a 2% price deduction for each 1 % of free fatty acid that exceeds this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion). Negotiable over 0.75%.
16. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 16 of 67 Dead Dead Pea Weevil are included in the definition for Insects – Large. Dead whole and Pieces of Pea Weevils are classified as Impurities. As Pea Weevils are commonly found inside field pea seeds, it is recommended that a number of field peas present in a load of an oilseed shou ld be broken open and assessed for the presence of this insect. Peroxide Value The peroxide value is to be reported to the nearest whole number and the units are mEq/kg. Phosphorus Phosphorus is to be reported to the nearest whole number in ppm. Pickling Compounds or Artificial Colouring Refer to Objectionable Material. Plant Export Operations This service is part of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture. Plant Export Operations provides import and export inspection and certification to help retain Australia’s plant health status. Plant Export Operations maintain the MICoR database guide listing importing country requirements for oilseeds. Refer to http://www.daff.gov.au/micor/plants . Pr essed Pressed extraction is the mechanical method used to remove oil from vegetable oilseeds. Protein Proteins are a group of complex organic macromolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and usually sulphur and are composed of one or more chains of amino acids. Protein is calculated from the total nitrogen content i.e., % Protein = Total Nitrogen (%) x 6.25. Refined Oil Refined Oil may be defined as the second stage of oil production where the crude oil is s ubjected to a combination of heat, chemicals or enzyme treatments to remove odours, discoloration or contamination. Refractive Index The refractive index is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in the particular oil. It is re garded as a measure of the purity of the oil. Refractive index is measured at the temperature specified in the limits and reported to the nearest 0.001. A Fatty Acid Profile test overrides the results from a Refractive Index test. Relative Density 25 o C Re lative density is the density of oil relative to the density of water. It is measured at 25 o C and reported to the nearest 0.001. Reporting Level Is defined as the number of decimal places at which results are to be reported following analysis. Note that mg/kg is equivalent to ppm where listed in these Standards. Retention Retention is defined as the amount of the commodity remaining above the screen after shaking. Screen hole sizes or screen slot sizes to be used for each commodity are listed in each app licable Standard . Retention is to be reported to the nearest 1%.
5. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 5 of 67 Definitions Adventitious Presence Adventitious Presence is defined as the unintended presence (i.e., unplanned ) of: S eed /meal containing GM event(s) approved by the OGTR in non - GM seed /meal , and/or S eed /meal containing GM event(s) approved by the OGTR in a seedlot or meal from another GM variety approved by the OGTR. Appropriately Certified Laboratory An Appropriately Certifie d Laboratory is defined as a laboratory that has one or more of the following accreditations: participates in the AOF Test Check Program and meets the defined performance criteria, or has NATA accreditation for the particular test method and oilseed commod ity combination in question . APVMA The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) sets Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for agricultural chemicals. As Is In terms of sample assessment, is the original representative sample (e.g., as taken from the load tendered for delivery ) without any interference to the sample. That is, there has been no cleaning , screening or drying of the sample prior to analysis. “As Is ” is a lso referred to as “tale quale” or “dirty” sample. Bin Burnt Refer to Heat Damaged , Bin Burnt . Bleached Bleaching removes trace metals, colour such as chlorophyll, soaps and oxidation products. Bleached oils are relatively colourless and have a low peroxide value. Broken or Split Broken or S plit seed is not included in the Total Defective Seed or Damaged seed category. Where applicable to a particular oilseed a separate tolerance exists for Broken or Split. Broken or split seed is to be determined as a percentage of clean seed retained above the screen and expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) For canola and rapeseed , includes Insect Damaged. T h is definition is to be read in conjunction with the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for canola to be classified as Broken or Split. Crushing S oybeans B roken or S plit soybeans are those soybeans not otherwise damaged that are three quarters of a soybean or less in size retained above the screen . Includes s eparated hulls . E dible S oybeans B roken or S plit soybeans are those soybeans not otherwise damaged that are half of a soybean or greater in size (with or without hull) retained above the screen that do not come withi n the definition of D amaged soybean .
19. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 19 of 67 Sprouted Seed Sprouted seeds are those in which the seed coat has split and the primary root has emerged. This includes early and any further advanced stage of growth of the primary root. Includes grains where the primary root has been knocked off d uring the harvesting or handling process. Sprouted seed is not included in Damaged, but is in the Total Defective category with a separate tolerance applying for most commodities . Sprouted seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Canola (CSO1, CSO1a) For canola, this definition is to be read in conjunction with the photo in the Visual Recognition Standards Guide which depicts the minimum affected standard for canola to be cla ssified as Sprouted. Standards Standards means all the test parameters listed in this Manual. Loads presented for delivery or samples to be assessed under these Standards must be analysed for all the parameters listed in the Standards, unless otherwise spe cified in individual Storage and Handling Agreements. Sticky Exudate - Sunflowers Honeydew or other sticky exudates are produced by the sunflower plant in response to any predator attack, mainly insects. The exudate oozes out of the flowers and drips onto leaves of the sunflower plant. It causes seeds to stick together mak ing the crop difficult to harvest and prevent ing harvested grain from running freely through equipment. This sticky exudate is acceptable if the grain is able to flow freely. If the grai n does not flow freely, the affected grains are classified as Damaged. Stones A Stone or gravel is defined as a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter being greater than 2mm in length or diameter. Smaller material is defined as Sand. For some commodities, a nil tolerance applies. For other commodities, a maximum weight of 4 .0 g applies to the Stone above the screen or above 3mm in diameter, whichever is applicable for the particular commodity . Larger and/or heavier material is rejectab le under Objectionable Material. The number of stones in the entire sample is to be reported to the nearest whole number. Refer also to Sand and Soil . Stored Product Insects These are insects which cause damage to stored oilseeds . T he definition and tolerance applies to all life stages of the insect. These include but are not limited to : • Angoumois Grain Moth ( Sitotroga cerealella) • Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum) • Flat Grain Beetle (Cryptolestes spp) • Granary Weevil (Sitophilus granarius) • Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) • Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) • Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) • Psocids/Book lice (Psocoptera sp) • Rice Weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) • Rust - red Flour Beetle (Tribolium castaneum) • Saw Tooth Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) • Tropical Warehouse Moth (Ephestia cautella)
14. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 14 of 67 Animal Material This refers to meat meal, bone meal, poultry offal, meal or any other animal proteins. Animal Material also includes carcasses of dead animals such as rats and mice. Chemicals not Approved for Oilseeds Refers to the following: Chemicals used on the growing crop in the State or Territory where the oilseed was grown in contravention of the label Chemicals used on stored oi lseeds in contravention of the label Chemicals not registered for use on oilseeds Oilseeds containing any artificial colouring, pickling compound or marker dye commonly used during crop spraying operations that has stained the oilseed Oilseeds treated with or contaminated by Carbaryl, Organochloride chemicals, or diatomaceous earth Chemical residues in excess of Australian Commonwealth, State or Territory legal limits (see Maximum Residue Limit and National Residue Survey) Fertiliser A fertiliser is any material added to the soil or applied to a plant to improve the supply of nutrients and promote plant growth. Odour A commercially unacceptable Odour is defined as a musty or other objectionable odour emanating from the oilseed which is not natural or norm ally associated with that oilseed. Odour may be caused by various means which may or may not be physically discernible in the sample being assessed. Pickling Compounds or Artificial Colouring Pickling Compounds are those chemicals added to an oilseed as a seed treatment or as a seed dressing prior to sowing. This definition includes seeds that may be affected by marker dye commonly used during crop spraying operations that has stained the oilseed. They are usually associated with a colouring agent. Seeds co ntaminated in this way may be identified by an unnatural surface colour and/or a colour that rubs off. Any seeds that are artificially coloured regardless of intensity are defective and a nil tolerance applies. S tick /Stubble D efined as ligneous material , crop stubble or other plant material not otherwise listed greater than 6 cm in length or 1 .5cm in diameter. It d oes not include seed pods. M aterial smaller than these dimensions is included in Impurities. Stones For all commodities where a tolerance applies, any Stone above 4.0g in weight is included under Objectionable Material and a nil tolerance applies. Refer also to the separate definition under Stones. Stored Product Insects and Pea Weevil Live only . A nil tolerance for live Stored Product Inse cts and Pea Weevil exists in all Standards. Note that a separate tolerance exists for dead Stored Product Insects and dead Pea Weevil. Refer to the separate definition. Tainting Agents A Tainting Agent is any contaminant that imparts a smell or taint to th e oilseed. It includes but is not limited to plant parts and seeds of Eucalyptus spp .
47. Issue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 47 of 67 Section 1: AOF 1 - 2, Vegetable Oil Quality Standards 1.0 PREAMBLE 1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for various vegetable oils obtained from the processing of oilseeds. The Standards listed in this document apply to all vegetable oils traded and are to apply at Receival and / or on outturn, whichever is applic able. 1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all vegetable oils must comply with the relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural regulations. 1.3 In particular vegetable oils must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and any other quality specifications listed in both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard (maximum residue limits in food and animal feedstuffs). Requirements of State Health Acts and Regulations must be observed where appr opriate. 1.4 Sampling procedures must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used for analysis is representative of the consignment. 1.5 For domestic trading, Official Samples shall be taken by buyer and seller respectively at the time of receiva l and dispatch of each load. Samples shall be retained for at least two months after dispatch. 1.6 Specifications and price adjustments recorded are applicable to the analysis of Official Samples taken and tested according to the prescribed methods. 1.7 The vegetable oil shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. 1.8 The vegetable oil shall have a light viscosity and shall not have a heavy oily mouth feel. 1.9 The vegetable oil shall have a clean, fresh flavour and shall be free from rancid, beany, painty, sour or other objectionable flavours or odours. 1.10 The vegetable oil shall be free from foreign material, such as, but not limited to, dirt, insect parts, hair, wood, glass or metal. 2.0 PROCEDURES 2.1 Procedures as per those outlined in Section 1, AOF 1 - 1 are to be followed unless otherwise stipulated . 2.2 Correction Factors are to be applied as follows: Relative Density - To be adjusted by - 0.0007 per degree centigrade ( 0 C) above 25 o C, and - To be adjusted by +0.0007 per degree centigrade ( 0 C) below 25 o C. Refractive Index - To be adjusted by - 0.00036 per degree centigrade ( 0 C) above 25 o C, and - To be adjusted by +0.00036 per degree centigrade ( 0 C) be low 25 o C. 2.3 Where a commodity does not have a tolerance for that particular quality parameter as indicated by “n/a” (not applicable), a test for that quality parameter is not required. 3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS See Table 1: Vegetable Oil Standards. Any variations to the specifications for a particular trade are to be stated in the contract between the buyer and the seller.
3. Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. August 201 4 1.0 DEFINITION ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 58 2.0 GUARANTEED OUTTURN ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 58 3.0 MATERIALS BALANCES ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 58 3.1 Seed Price ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 58 3.2 Analysis ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 58 3.3 Transfers ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 59 3.4 Calculations ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 59 Section 1: AOF 2 - 2, Typical Density Guide for Seed and Meal ............................. 62 Section 1: AOF 3, Technical Information ................................ ............................. 63 Section 1: AOF 3 - 1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils ................... 64 Section 1: AOF 3 - 1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils (cont.) ....... 65 Section 1: AOF 3 - 2, Colour Comparisons ................................ ............................. 66 Section 1: AOF 3 - 3, Typical Amino Acid Composition of Meals ............................ 67
62. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 2 - 2 Page 62 of 67 Section 1: AOF 2 - 2, Typical Density Guide for Seed and Meal 1 lb/cu ft = 16.018 kg/cu m. 1 Imperial Bushel = 2219.3 cu ins = 1.2843 cu ft = 0.363677 hectolitres 1 US or Winchester Bushel = 2150.42 cu ins = 1.2444 cu ft = 0.35238 hectolitres SAFFLOWER LINSEED & LINOLA SUNFLOWER (all types) CANOLA & RAPESEED SOYBEAN SEED MEAL SEED MEAL SEED MEAL SEED MEAL SEED MEAL AVERAGE DENSITY: lb/cu ft 33 32 45 36 26 28 43 40 47 37 kg/cu m 529 513 721 577 416 449 689 641 753 593 kg/hl 53 51 72 58 42 45 69 64 75 59 BUSHEL (IMPERIALWEIGHT) lb 42 41 57 46 33 36 55 51 60 47 kg 19 19 26 21 15 16 25 23 27 21 CUBIC ft/ton: 67 70 50 62 85 79 52 56 48 60 BUSHELS ton: 53 54 39 49 67 62 41 44 37 48 CUBIC METRES tonne 1.87 1.95 1.39 1.73 2.38 2.21 1.44 1.56 1.33 1.67
23. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF – Classification Dispute Settlement Page 23 of 67 Classification Dispute Settlement 1. Harvest Deliveries 1.1 If in place, a Storage and Handling Agreement may over - ride the terms and conditions outlined in the following procedure. 1.2 Retesting and dispute settlement can be carried out on O bjective and S ubjective test methods. 1.3 Retesting and dispute settlement can only be carried out if the load can be accepted. Where O bjectionable Material is found, or the load cannot be accepted due to issues such as high moisture content, the load will be rejected without appeal. 1.4 If the clas sification of a load tested on receival is disputed by the owner or their representative, the classifier shall retest another sample drawn from the original speared sample bucket for that load. The second test results will override the initial test result s. A full objective classification as per the Standards for that commodity of the second sample shall occur. 1.5 Should the owner or representative continue to dispute the second sample, the load may be re - sampled and fully classified once. These results ov erride all previous results. (Note: re - sampling may not be possible if the load has moved from the sampling platform, in which case the load must rejoin the end of queue and re - present as a new load). If the receival testing equipment is T rade C ertified, any further clauses under this section do not apply. 1.6 If the owner or representative continues to dispute the test result(s) and if the load has not been rejected then it will only be received and binned as per the site classification. 1.7 Duplicate one (1) litre samples will be taken and placed into appropriately marked sample bags, which are then to be sealed. One sample is to be retained on site for a period of 2 months and one is to be forwarded to an A ppropriately C ertified L aboratory for a full classifi cation as per the Standards for that commodity. 1.8 The costs of laboratory testing, including sample freight and other related external costs will be borne by the person originating the dispute, unless the results of the laboratory testing result in the loa d being classified into a higher grade or at least a 1% increase in oil content or a 30% relative reduction in impurities. In this case the receiver of the load shall pay the testing costs. All internal costs shall be borne by each party. 1.9 Where laborator y facilities are available, testing in these premises using reference methods shall take precedence for rejection over in - field assessment using rapid assessment methods. 1.10 For the determination of Oil Content, in cases of dispute, the prescribed solvent ex traction method shall be the basis for decision unless otherwise agreed to by mutual decision. The results of oil content re - tests shall be adjusted to the basis of the moisture content at the time of delivery but only where oven moisture is available on t he original test otherwise the original moisture result is to apply. 2. Consignment Deliveries 2.1 If in place, a Storage and Handling Agreement may over - ride the terms and conditions outlined in the following procedure. 2.2 All loads being delivered must be sampled in accordance with AOF approved sampling methods. 2.3 Trade disputes, unless otherwise agreed will be settled on a load by load basis. Contracts for the delivery of oilseeds should nominate and agree an A ppropriately Certified laboratory to resolve di sputes prior to the commencement of delivery. The contract should also nominate and agree if “quality is final on outturn” or “quality is final on delivery”. If the testing equipment is trade certified, any further clauses under this section do not apply . 2.4 For each load received, two clearly identified, sealed 1/2 litre samples shall be retained for a period of 2 months. The name of the person responsible for collecting the sample shall be clearly identifiable. If no dispute is lodged within this period, the samples may be disposed of and no further quality disputes will be accepted on the loads represented by these samples. 2.5 For each load disputed, one of the load samples shall be sent to the agreed laboratory for analysis. The laboratory shall be made aware that the samples are to settle a trade dispute under these rules and the AOF reference methods shall be used to settle the dispute. A full classification must be undertaken for each load.
11. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 11 of 67 Specific tolerances for other elements of Impurities such as Other Contaminants within each commodity Standard. The Impurities content is to be determined on a weight basis from the entire half litre sample and reported to the nearest 0.1%. All Comm odities ( except Canola, Rapeseed, Cottonseed and Peanuts ) Impurities include: All Foreign M ater ial (organic or inorganic) other than seeds of the respective oilseed being assessed. All material, including whole seed and partial seed material of the respective oilseed being assessed, passing through the screen where a screen is prescribed for that oilseed. Outer shells or husks, either whole or broken, of the oilseed being assessed Unthreshed seed (e.g., seed pods) containing seed , whether whole or br oken. Pieces of seed pods not containing seed, including attached surrounding plant material . Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) Impurities include: All Foreign Material (organic or inorganic) other than canola or rapeseed seeds respectiv ely . All material, including whole canola or rapeseed seed and partial canola or rapeseed seed material respectively, passing through the 1.0mm screen. Cottonseed Impurities include all foreign material other than cottonseed material, where cottonseed material includes : Whole or broken cottonseeds and seed coats or hulls C otton fibre attached to the seed coat P eanuts Impurities include : All Foreign M ater ial (organic or inorganic) other than peanut seeds or intact peanut shells Broken outer shells or broken hulls Insect Damaged All Commodities (except Canola and Rapeseed ) Insect D amaged seeds are those that have been eaten in part by field or S tored P roduct I nsects. Insect D amaged seeds are visually recognised through any level of damage to the seed . Insect Damaged is included in the D amaged category for all commodities except canola and rapeseed . Insect D amaged is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Canola and Rapeseed (CSO1, CSO1a, CSJ1a, CSO2) Insect Damaged is included in Broken/Split. Insects – Large and Small This category includes insects (and other invertebrates) that contaminate the seed through their presence on or in the vicinity of the growing crop. These insects gen erally do not harm seed. Note that there may be variances with the tolerances applied at export by Plant Export Operations. There are separate tolerances for Large and Small Insects. They include but are not restricted to those as listed below in Table 3: Large Insects Small Insects Desiantha Weevil ( Desiantha spp ) Aphids Grasshoppers, Locusts Minute Mould Beetle ( Corticaria spp ) Hairy Fungus Beetle ( Typhaea stercorea ) Mites ( Acarina spp. ) Ladybirds Stored Product Insects (dead only)
25. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 25 of 67 Section 1: AOF 1 - 1, Oilseed Quality Standards 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for the various oilseeds as listed in these Standards. The Standards apply to all oilseeds and are to apply at Receival and / or on outturn, whichever is applicable. 1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all oilseeds and oilseed products (i.e. oil, meal and hulls) must comply with the relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural regulations. 1.3 In particular oilseeds and oilseeds products must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) l isted in both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard (maximum residue limits in food and animal feedstuffs). 1.4 Sampling procedures as outlined in Section Two must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used for analysis is repre sentative of the consignment. 1.5 For domestic trading, the Official Sample shall be taken by the buyer or their appointed agent at the receival point at the time of receipt of the lot, or as otherwise agreed to. Samples shall be retained by the buyer for at least two months after receival. 1.6 The following Quality Standards and price adjustments are applicable to the results of the analysis of Official Samples tested according to the prescribed methods outlined in Section Two. 2.0 GENERAL PROCEDURES 1. The Standards listed in the following tables and all other information detailed in this section applicable to these Standards, are to be applied to each individual load of the respective oilseed commodity. 2. With the exception of I mpurities, T est W eight and M oisture, all analyses shall be conducted and reported on a clean seed basis. 3. A consignment containing Objectionable Material that is detected at any stage of the receival process shall be rejectable. 4. Protein (dry matter basis) = protein ‘as is’ x 100 / (100 – ‘as is’ moisture). 5. Where a commodity does not have a minimum or maximum tolerance for that particular quality parameter as indicated by “ Unlimited ”, a test for that quality parameter is not required. 6. A strictly nil tolerance applies where a commo dity has a tolerance of “nil” listed. 7. For commodities that have a tolerance listed at a “base level”, receival of a commodity with a quality parameter above or below that base level may occur with consent between the two parties and with the application of appropriate discounts. 8. Where the Standards states “rejectable over a specified limit” or “rejectable under” or similar wording , the commodity may either be accepted or rejected depending on agreement between the relevant parties . 3.0 REFERENCE MATER IALS 1. A range of Reference Material may need to be referred to when applying these Standards. 2. At the time of publishing this Manual, the following photographic Reference Material referred to in this Manual is considered by AOF to be suitable as an aid to the classification of oilseeds. 3. Industry should be aware that all such material is controlled by the author of that material and appropriate copies of that material can be obtained from the author. 4. The method of printing, copying, storing, using or other wise obtaining such Reference Material may impact on the appearance of its content. This may impact on the classification of oilseeds. Industry should note the method of publication of the material by the author and other relevant information such as versi on number to ensure they have the appropriate version.
12. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 12 of 67 Large Insects Small Insects Pea Weevil ( Bruchus pisorum ) (dead only) Rutherglen bugs ( Nysius vinitor ) Sitona Weevil ( Sitona spp ) Vegetable Bugs (Nezara viridula) Wood Bugs Earwigs Millipedes Tolerances apply to either Live and/ or Dead whole Insects for most species. Note however for Live Stored Product Insects and live Pea Weevil a nil tolerance applies – refer to the definition of Stored Product Insects. Separate tolerances for pieces of Insects Large and Small do not apply. W hole and pieces of Insects Large and Small are included in Impurities. Insects Large and Small are to be reported to the nearest whole number in the entire half litre sample. Iodine Value The iodine value shall be defined as the Wijs Iodine value. The iodine value for various oil types varies subject to seasonal variation with the range permitted as specified for the various oils listed in the Quality S pecifications table. For all oil types, the iodine value is to be reported to the n earest whole number. Load A load is a bulk unit tendered for delivery. Linoleic, Linolenic, Oleic Acid For all oil types, the Linoleic, Linolenic or Oleic Acid content is to be determined by gas chromatography on a weight by weight basis and the result is to be reported to the nearest percent. Maximum Residue Limits Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) are the maximum amount of a chemical residue or its metabolite that is legally permitted on or in an agricultural commodity. These MRLs a re set at levels which are not likely to be exceeded if the agricultural or veterinary chemicals are used in accordance with approved label instructions and can be found on the ComLaw website at http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2014C00821 Australian MRLs may differ significantly from those prescribed by foreign countries and the International Codex Alimentarius Commission. Consequently oilseed exporters must be aware of MRLs of importing countri es and which countries accept Codex MRLs. Foreign country MRLs may be accessed directly from foreign government websites or the NRS grains database at http ://www.daff.gov.au/agriculture - food/nrs/nrs - australian - and - overseas - mrl - database . Industry should always confirm the accuracy of these MRL listings through their own means . Meals Oilseed meals are the product remaining after oil production and are a good source of protein for stockfeed. Moisture Content This is the amount of water present in the sample as determined by the appropriate analytical method. The addition of water to an oilseed prior to tendering for delivery is prohibited. Rapid direct reading moisture testers shall be used only as a guide for acceptance or rejection of a consignment by the crusher or his agent. Where a moisture deduction is to be made from a receival account, the results of the prescribed oven test method expressed to the near est 0.1%, as received basis, shall be applied. Moisture deductions shall only be based on the results obtained in this way. Moisture content is to be determined on the entire sample as received and reported to the nearest 0.1%.
8. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 8 of 67 Quality Parameter Oilseed Commodity Canola and Rapeseed Birdseed Sunflowers Poly/Mono Sunflowers, Crushing Soybean, Cottonseed, Safflower, Linseed, Linola Broken or Split Y Y Y (except Cottonseed) Heat Damaged and Bin Burnt Y Y Y (except Cottonseed) Mouldy Y Y Y As noted in Table 2, Defective d oes not include Broken or Split , Heat Damaged/Bin Burnt, Mouldy . For Peanuts the category of Defective does not exist. For Edible Soybeans separate categories of particular defects occurs. Refer to each Standard to confirm the definitions and tolerances to apply for each quality parameter. Degummed Oil Degumming is the process of separating phosphatides/gums by using degumming agents such as water, enzymes and other permitted chemicals. The phosphatides content shall be expressed as the amount of Phosphorus (as phosphatides) in the oil, expressed to the nearest ppm. Dehulled A dehulled seed is a seed that has the hull completely removed from the kernel. Discoloured – Edible Soybeans only Refer to Weather Stained. Diseased Diseased are those seeds that have not matured as per a normal seed. The Diseased seed may be caused by a number of factors including pathogens, insufficient nutrients or pollution. Seeds are generally whole and do not fall into other damaged seed categories listed in the definitions section. Disease d seed is to be classified a s a part of Damaged seed. Diseased seed is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%. Earth Refer to the definition for Sand and Soil . Field Fungi - Edible Soybeans only Field fungi affected seeds are those that have the seed coat discoloured by fungal spores due to the presence of air - borne fungal spores that adhere to the surface of the seed , generally after rain. Fungi grow on the seed as a result of high moisture condi tions during the maturation phase. Field fungi seeds are to be classified as part of Damaged seed under Weather Stained . Field Fungi causes a purple stain on the seed coat. Field fungi seed is to be determined as the number of grains per half litre of th e clean seed retained above the screen. Refer to Weather Stained. Flash Point The Flash point is defined as the lowest temperature, corrected to a barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg), at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapours above the surface of the oil
7. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 7 of 67 For all oilseeds except edible soybeans, Damaged is included in the Total Defective category For e dible soybeans, a separate definition for Damaged exists For peanuts the Damaged category does not apply Damaged includes whole and pieces of seed that are listed below in Table 1 : Quality Parameter Oilseed Commodity Canola and Rapeseed Edible Soybeans All other commodities except Peanuts Diseased Y Y Y Field Fungi Y (includes purple stain) Refer Weather Stained Frost Damaged Y Y Y Green Y Immature Y Y Y Insect Damaged Refer Broken/Split Y Y Otherwise Materially Damaged Y Y Y Weather Damaged Y Weather Stained Y Y Weed Stained (includes nightshade purple stain) Y All quality parameter s within the Damaged category are to be obtained from the clean seed material retained above the screen and combined. The total Damaged is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1% , except for Weather Stained in Edible Soybeans . An individual seed may only be classified as one defect type with in the Damaged category. Where this applies, a seed is to be classified as the defect type with the tightest tolerance in the standard. Defective There are a range of quality parameters that cause oilseed commodities to be classified as D efective. The category in which a defect type is classified varies by commodity. Each defect type may: Have a separate tolerance (e.g., Broken or Split , Heat Damaged/Bin Burnt, Mouldy ) Have a nil tolerance (e.g., musty seed) Be included in the category of Damaged Be in cluded in the category of Defective Be included in the category of Defective but within that category have a maximum tolerance Not be applicable (e.g., for Peanuts, no D efective quality parameters are applicable) For all types of Defective seed where a t olerance exists, each quality parameter is to be determined as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1% or a count of the number of grain s per half litre or other sized sample . An individual seed may only be classified as one defect type . Where a seed has more than one defect, the seed is to be classified based on the quality parameter with the tightest tolerance in the applicable standard. T he general category of D efective includes whole and pieces of see d that are listed below in Table 2 : Quality Parameter Oilseed Commodity Canola and Rapeseed Birdseed Sunflowers Poly/Mono Sunflowers, Crushing Soybean, Cottonseed, Safflower, Linseed, Linola Defective, including - Damaged Y Y Y - Green Y Y - Sprouted Y Y Y (except Cottonseed)
61. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 2 - 1 Page 61 of 67 Storage Calculations an example (Outturn Guarantee 99.5%) Accounting for Gains/Losses A B C TOTAL Receivals Wt. Tonnes 1355 950 2391 4696 Value $450,352.71 $318,478.07 $802,135.79 $1,570,966.57 Outturn Assumption for Preliminary Calculations Wt. Tonnes 1355 950 2391 4696 Value (at pool average) $453,292.10 $317,806.27 $799,868.20 $1,570,966.57 Outturn Actual Wt. Tonnes 1350 955 2360 4665 Value $451,619.44 $319,478.93 $789,498.69 $1,560,596.05 Preliminary Base Adjustment A B C 3.4.3 Seed Balances i) Value in Value out ii) Pool Balance $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr Nil $2267.59 cr FIRST PAYMENT $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr $2267.59 cr Supplementary Final Adjustment 3.4.3 Seed Balances i) Value in Value out ii) Overall Balance iii) Proportion in and out iv) Balance to each party $1,266.73 dr 28.80262205% $2,986.98 dr $1,000.86 dr $10,370.52 dr 20.37184248% 2,112.67 dr $12,638.11 cr 50.82553546% $5,270.87 3.4.4 Outturn Guarantee Deficit Outturn $1,560,596.05 99.5% outturn $1,563,111.74 Deficit $2515.69 cr $724.58 cr $512.49 cr $1,278.61 cr Total $3,529.12 dr $2,601.04 dr $8,645.61 cr Less Base Adjustment $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr $2,267.59 cr FINAL PAYMENT $589.73 dr $3,272.84 dr $6378.26 cr Manager pays $2,515.69 TRANSFERS 3.5 Party A transfers $200,000 seed (pool value) at an agreed price of $210,000 to Party B (identified as “A, a/c B”) and $100,000 seed (pool value) at an agreed price $110,000 to an “outside” party, Smith & Co, (identified as “A, a/c Smith & Co”). Adjustments are then calculated as follows: * Party B: $3529.12 dr x $200,000 / $450,352.71 = $1567.26 dr * Smith & Co: $3529.12 dr x $100,000 / $450,352.71 = $783.63 dr These adjustments are added to the respective agreed prices of seed for each of the transfers.
55. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 3 Page 55 of 67 Trading Standard Reference Commodity Name Oil (min %) Crude Protein (min %) Crude Fibre (max %) Moisture (max %) Retention max (%) 3mm screen Retention max (%) 2mm screen Glucosinolates (micromoles /g oil - free air - dry solids) Erucic Acid (%) Gossypol (%) SUN:M:385/93 Sunflower Meal - Dehulled Solvent 0.5 36 19 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SUN:M:384/93 Sunflower Meal - Dehulled Pressed 4 35 18 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a Oilseed Hulls COT:H:313/96 Cottonseed Hulls 1 3.5 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SOY:H:373/96 Soybean Hulls 0.5 10 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SUN:H:386/96 Sunflower Hulls 1 4 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
26. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 26 of 67 Name of Material Material Type Author Version Number Applicable Dates Defective Seed s Visual Recognition Standards Guide for Grain Commodity Sampling and Assessment Hardcopy booklet GTA n/a Issued August 201 4 Grain Quality Visual Recognition Standards Hardcopy single sheets per defect type Australian Grains Centre, Co - operative Bulk Handling Ltd October 2004 n/a Contaminants Insects of Stored Grain, A Pocket Reference Hardcopy booklet CSIRO 2 nd Edition 2007 Seed Impurities of Grain Identification Guide Hardcopy booklet GTA 3 rd Edition n/a
18. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 18 of 67 Table 4 : Common Small Foreign Seeds Common Name Botanical Name Common Name Botanical Name Amsinckia Amsinckia spp Milk Thistle (Seeds) Sonchus oleraceus Australian Phalaris Phalaris aquatica Mustard Sisymbrium spp Bladder Soapwort Vaccaria hispanica Mustard (Indian Hedge) Sisymbrium orientale Burrweed (Yellow) Amsinckia spp Paradoxa Grass (Seed) Phalaris paradoxa Canary Grass (Wild) Phalaris canariensis Peppercress Lepidium spp Canola Brassica rapa Phalaris (Australian) Phalaris aquatica Celery (Slender) Apium leptophyllum Rapeseed Brassica rapa Charlock Sinapis arvensis Ryegrass Lolium spp Clover (Ball, Ball Clover) Trifolium glomeratum Sage (Wild) Salvia verbenaca Cockspur (Maltese) Centaurea melitensis Salt Bush Atriplex muelleri Dock Rumex spp Slender Celery Apium leptophyllum Fat Hen Chenopodium album Sorrel Rumex acetosella Fescue Festuca spp Sowthistle Sonchus spp Hares Ear Conringia orientalis Thistle Milk (seeds) Sonchus oleraceus Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale Turnip (Mediterranean) Brassica tournefortii Horehound Marrumbium vulgare Turnip (Wild) Brassica tournefortii Knotweed Polygonum aviculare Urochloa Grass Urochloa panicoides Lesser Canary Grass Phalaris minor Verbena Verbena spp Lettuce Lactuca spp Wild Canary Grass Phalaris canariensis Lucerne (Seeds) Medicago sativa Wild Radish (Seeds) Raphanus raphanistrum Maltese Cockspur Centaurea melitensis Wild Sage Salvia verbenaca Marshmallow (Seeds) Malva palviflora Wild Turnip Brassica tournefortii Medics (Seeds) Medicago spp Wireweed Polygonum aviculare Muskweed (Seeds) Myagrum perfoliatum Yellow Burrweed Amsinckia spp Other seeds not listed may also fall into the Small Foreign Seeds category. Small Foreign Seeds are to be reported to the nearest whole number and are to be determined based on their number in the entire sample received. Snails Snails refer to whole or substantial ly whole (more than half) Sna il shells irrespective of size. It include s bodies without shells of snails listed in table 5 below . Common Name Scientific Name Common White Snail Cernuella virgata White Italian Snail Theba pisana Pointed Snail Cochlicella actua Small Pointed Snail Cochlicella Barbara Any other snail species Various All Snails and p ieces of Snail Shell that are equal to or less than half an entire shell are classified under Impurities. Different tolerances may apply depending on the commodity and whether the Snail is above or below 3mm in size . Snails are to be reported to the nearest whole number based on their presence in the entire sample. Solvent Extraction Is the main method used to remove oil from vegetable oilseeds and involves the use of a solvent such as h exane.
35. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 35 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 8 (cont): Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard Commodity : EDIBLE MILLING GRADE SOYBEAN CSO 6 Continued Parameter Specification Comment/Variation Other Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated ) Specific Allergens (entire load) N il Nil presence of peanuts in the form of kernel or peanut shell in any of the soybeans tendered for delivery. Additionally, should any form of peanut trash (including any form of vegetative matter be found in the delivery, the receival agent should be made a ware of the heightened risk of peanut allergen and records of the observation retained and the buyer of the oilseed should be alerted. Should this instance arise, the truck should be re - sampled and reassessed to confirm the absence of peanut shell or kerne l. Ergot/Sclerotinia (entire load) N il Pieces of Ergot and / or Sclerotinia of any plant species Stored Grain Insects – Live (entire load) N il Includes live Pea Weevil Stored Grain Insects – Dead 5 I ncludes dead P ea W eevil Field Insects (Live and/ or Dead) 3 3 Nezara viridula (Vegetable Bugs) Field I nsects – All others Snails (entire load) N il Live or Dead Sand/ Soil ( % by wt) 0.06 Above and/or below the screen Stones (entire load) Nil Stones greater than 2mm in diameter . Smaller material defined as Sand/ Soil . Objectionable Mater ial (entire load) N il Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to, harmful substances including glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for soybeans, smut, material imparting an odour to the soybeans, sticks /stubble , artificial colouring including marker dye and pickled seed. Includes Fusarium (pink) fungal stained.
2. Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. August 201 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4 Definitions ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 5 Classification Dispute Settlement ................................ ................................ ........ 23 1. Harvest Deliveries ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 23 2. Consignment Deliveries ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 23 Section 1: AOF 1 - 1, Oilseed Quality Standards ................................ .................... 25 1.0 PREAMBLE ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 25 2.0 GENERAL PROCEDURES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 25 3.0 REFERENCE MATERIALS ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 25 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1: Canola Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 27 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 2: Non - GM Canola Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 28 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 3: Canola Quality Juncea Standard ................................ ................................ ............................. 29 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 4: Rapeseed Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 30 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 5: Polyunsaturated Sunflower Standard ................................ ................................ ..................... 31 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 6: Monounsaturated Sunflower Standard ................................ ................................ ................... 32 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 7: Sunflower Birdseed Grade Standard ................................ ................................ ...................... 33 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Tab le 8: Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ................................ ................................ 34 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 8 (cont): Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ................................ ...................... 35 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 9: Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ................................ .................... 36 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 9 (cont): Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ................................ .......... 37 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 10: Crushing Soybean Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ 38 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 11: Cottonseed Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 39 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 12: Polyunsatura ted Safflower Standard ................................ ................................ .................... 40 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 13: Monounsaturated Safflower Standard ................................ ................................ .................. 41 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 14: Linseed Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 42 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 15: Linola Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 43 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 16: Peanut Standard ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 44 4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 45 4.1 General ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 45 4.2 Corrected Ne t Weight ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 45 4.3 Clean Seed Value ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 45 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 46 Section 1: AOF 1 - 2, Vegetable Oil Quality Standards ................................ .......... 47 1.0 PREAMBLE ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 47 2.0 PROCEDURES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 47 3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 47 4. 0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 51 4.1 General ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 51 4.2 Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 51 4. 3 Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 52 4.4 Chlorophyll in Canola Oil ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 52 4.5 Phosphorus ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 52 4.6 Peroxide V alue ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 52 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 52 6.0 COLD PRESSED OILS ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 52 6.1 General ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 52 6.2 Specification ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 52 6.3 Price Adjustments ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 52 Section 1: AOF 1 - 3, Oilseed (Vegetable Protein) Meals and Hull Quality Standards 53 1.0 SCOPE ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 53 2.0 PROCEDURES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 53 3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 53 4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 56 4.1 General ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 56 4.2 Protein ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 56 4.3 Moisture ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 56 4.4 Other analyses ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 56 5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 56 Section 1: AOF 2, Technical Information ................................ ............................. 57 Section 1: AOF 2 - 1, Common Storage of Oilseeds - Accounting for Gains/Losses 58
22. Issue No. 1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 22 of 67 Table 8 : Weed Seed Limits by Species (maximum seeds per half litre) Common Name Scientific Name Tolerance per half litre Alligator weed Alteranthera philoxeroides Nil Cape Tulips Homeria spp. Nil Castor Oil Plant Ricinus communis. Nil Coriander Coriandrum sativum Nil Creeping Knapweed Acroptilon repens Nil Darling pea Swansonia spp. Nil Dodder Cuscuta spp. Nil Giant Sensitive plant Mimosa invisa Nil Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum Nil Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus Nil Ragweed Ambrosia spp. Nil Rattlepod Crotalaria spp. Nil Saffron Thistle Carthamus lanatus Nil St. Johns Wort Hypericum perforatum Nil Star Burr Acanthospermum hispidum Nil Stinkwort Inula graveolens Nil Burrs – all, except where listed in this table Xanthium spp. 1 Wild mignonette Reseda lutea 1 Crow Garlic Allium vineale 2 Skeleton weed Chondrilla juncea 2 Thornapple Datura spp. 2 Common Heliotrope Heliotropium europeaum 3 Darnel Lolium temulentum 3 Hexham scent Melilotus indicus 3 Jute Corchorus olitorius 3 Mexican poppy Argemone mexicana 3 Mintweed Salvia reflexa 3 Nightshade Solanum spp. 3 Sesbania pea Sesbania cannibina 65 Where a weed seed or plant part imparts an odour to the commodity, there is a nil tolerance for that weed seed or plant part and the load is to be rejected. For those Foreign Seed s in Pods as listed in table 8 above: The pods are to be broken open and the individual weed seeds counted The whole pods or pieces of pods remaining after seeds have been removed and counted are to be included as Impurities. For those Foreign Seed s in Pods not listed in table 8 above: The pods (and any pieces of pods) are included as Impurities. Weed seeds are to be reported to the nearest whole number and are to be determined based o n their number in the entire sample received. Weed Stained – Edible Soybeans Weed Stained grains refer to those edible soybean seeds that are stained due to the presence of an exudates from a weed. The exudate adheres to the edible soybean seed or causes a dhesion of other Impurities such as earth. A common weed seed causing purple staining is Nightshade. Weed Stained is included as a part of Damaged for Edible Soybeans only. Weed Stained seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed retained above the screen expressed to the nearest 0.1%.
39. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 39 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 1 : Cottonseed Standard Commodity : COTTONSEED Standard Reference No: CSO 9 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustmen t Physical & Chemical Parameters General Cottonseed tended for delivery should predominantly be of a white colour . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved cottonseed varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil Unlimited Linoleic Acid Unlimited Oleic Acid Unlimited Moisture Max (%) 11 .0 AOCS Aa 3 - 38. May be rejectable over 11% Test Weight Unlimited Protein Min (%) 15 .0 N x 6.25% @ 0% Moisture basis Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Cottonseed (Maximum count per half kilogram sample ) . May be rejectable over. Mouldy (count per half kilogram ) 1 Contaminants (Maximum count per half kilogram unless otherwise stated) Impurities (% wt/wt) 2.0 All material other than cottonseed material, where cottonseed material includes cotton fibre attached to the seed coat. Unless tighter limits apply as per State Stockfeed legislation Stones (entire load) Nil Stones greater than 2mm in diameter. Smaller material defined as Sand/Soil. Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Sitona weevil 3 All other Field Insects . Includes Pea Weevil (dead only) Insects – Small ( Live and/or Dead ) (250g) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) . Tolerance based on a 250g sample . Ryegrass Ergot Max (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds chemicals not permitted on co ttonseed, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the cottonseed, rotted seed, sticks/stubble and pickled seeds.
66. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 3 - 2 Page 66 of 67 Section 1: AOF 3 - 2, Colour Comparisons (Approximate Conversions Only) COMPARISON VALUE COMPARISON VALUE GARDNER LOVIBOND (133.35MM) AOCS TINTOMETER LOVIBOND (25.4MM) AOCS TINTOMETER 1 1R 10Y 1R 10Y 0.24R 2.4Y 0.24R 2.4Y 2 1.6R 16Y 1.6R 16Y 0.32R 3.2Y 0.32R 3.2Y 3 2.5R 25Y 3.0R 25Y 0.45R 4.5Y 0.45R 4.5Y 4 4R 40Y 4.5R 40Y 0.65R 6.5Y 0.65R 6.5Y 5 6.2R 62Y 7.0R 62Y 0.8R 8.0Y 0.8R 8.0Y 6 8.5R 80Y - 1.2R 12.0Y 1.2R 12.0Y 7 - - 1.7R 17.0Y 1.7R 17.0Y 8 - - 2.15R 21.5Y 2.5R 21.5Y 9 - - 2.9R 29.0Y 3.5R 29.0Y 10 - - 4.0R 40.0Y 4.5R 40.0Y 11 - - 5.5R 55.0Y 5.9R 55.0Y 12 - - 7.3R 73.0Y 7.9R 73.0Y 13 - - 10.0R 100Y - 14 - - 14.9R 149Y - 15 - - 20.0R 200Y - 16 - - 25.0R 250Y - 17 18 Reference: Procter Thomson, Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, Society, 30 , 259 (1953). V C Mehlenbacher “Analysis of Fats and Oil” (The Garrard Press). Tintometer brochure “Lovibond Colour Scale Renotation”. Note The Lovibond scale listed applies to models up to Model D. Model E uses the “renotated Lovibond glasses”. It gives a slightly higher reading on the red scale with the same yellow scale up to 20Y. Over this there is a slight change in the renotated yellow glasses. The AOCS re d scale is the renotated red values multiplied by 0.95. This has been taken into account in the above conversion. The Gardner 1933 scale (Hellige discs 620C - 40 and 620C - 42) gives a much better colour comparison for vegetable oils than the colours of ASTM D 1544 (Hellige discs 620C - 43 and 620C - 44).
33. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 33 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 7 : Sunflower Birdseed Grade Standard Commodity : SUNFLOWER BIRDSEED GRADE – Grey Stripe or Black Standard Reference No: CSO 5 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General The seed shall have a well defined grey stripe or be shiny black as per type for that variety . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved sunflower varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil Unlimited Moisture Max (%) 9 .0 Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 38 .0 Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Sunflower (Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on visual inspection of a half litre sample ) Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%) , of which 2.5 All defective sunflower s eed except Heat Damaged/Bin Burnt and Mouldy. I nclud es Damaged (Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained) , Broken or Split, S prouted and Otherwise Materially Damaged. Includes Sticky Exudate if the grain does not flow freely. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated) Impurities (% wt/wt) 6.0 Includes all non - sunflower seed material. Subject to rejection at buyers option over 6.0%. Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 5 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevils, earwigs, millipedes , vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 5 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Sand/ Soil (% by wt ) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations li sts of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for sunflowers, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the sunflowers, smut, snails, sticks/stubble, stones and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
44. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 44 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 6 : Peanut Standard Commodity : PEANUT Standard Reference No: CSO 1 4 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General P eanuts of the species Arachis hypogaea . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved peanut varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 41 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 41% Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% of FFA up to 3%, 3% deduction for each 1% of FFA between 3% and 5%. Rejectable over 5%. Applied on clean seed . Moisture Max (%) 9 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Peanuts ( Maximum % wt/wt ) Broken or Split Unlimited Defective, of which Unlimited Damaged Unlimited Sprouted Unlimited Degraded (entire load) Nil Includes smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, rotted seed and mouldy seed. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 4.0 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 1.5% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a ma ximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large ( L ive and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small ( L ive and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for peanuts , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the peanuts, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
38. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 38 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 10 : Crushing Soybean Standard Commodity : CRUSHING SOYBEAN Standard R eference No: CSO 8 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Soybeans that may be used for crushing. Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved soybean varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil Unlimited Linoleic Acid Unlimited Oleic Acid Unlimited Moisture Max (%) 13 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Soybeans ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise specified based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 3.175mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 20 .0 Soybeans not otherwise damaged that are ¾ of a soybean or less in size retained above the screen . Includes separated hulls. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum . Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 4.0 Is all foreign material including soybean and other material falling through the 3.175mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies . 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds chemicals not permitted on soybeans, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the soybeans, sticks/stubble and pickled seeds. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
42. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 42 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 4 : Linseed Standard Commodity : LINSEED Standard Reference No: CSO 1 2 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Li nseed of the species Linum usitatissimum with brown or golden yellow seeds typical of the variety. Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved linseed varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 39 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 39% Moisture Max (%) 10 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Linseed ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated, based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1 .0 mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective, (%) of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities ( % wt/wt) 4.0 Is all foreign material including linseed and other material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for linseed , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the linseed, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
41. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 41 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 3 : Monounsaturated Safflower Standard Commodity : SAFFLOWER – Monounsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 1 1 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Safflower of the species Carthamus tinctorius . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved safflower varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 38 .0 base level 2% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 38% Oleic Acid Min (%) 75 .0 Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Moisture Max (%) 8 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Safflower ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated, based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 4.0 Is all foreign material including safflower and other material falling through the 2.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large ( L ive and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevils (dead only) Insects - Small ( L ive and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not permitted for safflower, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the safflower, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
40. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 40 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 2 : Polyunsaturated Safflower Standard Commodity : SAFFLOWER - Polyunsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 1 0 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General S afflower of the species Carthamus tinctorius . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved safflower varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 38 .0 base level 2% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 38% Linoleic Acid Min ( %) 75 .0 Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Moisture Max (%) 8 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Safflower ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated, based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 4.0 Is all foreign material including safflower and other material falling through the 2.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for safflower , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the safflower, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
67. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 3 - 3 Page 67 of 67 Section 1: AOF 3 - 3, Typical Amino Acid Composition of Meals (as percentage of protein) Typical Amino Acid Composition (% of Protein) Australian Oilseed Meals Cottonseed Linseed Peanut Rapeseed & Canola Safflower Soybean Sunflower Alanine 3.7 4.3 3.7 4.2 4.1 3.9 4.0 Arginine 11.7 9.1 11.3 6.2 8.9 7.1 7.9 Aspartic Acid 8.8 7.8 8.7 5.9 8.3 9.5 8.0 Cystine 2.5 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.3 1.4 Glutamic Acid 21.0 20.3 19.3 18.4 21.6 18.9 21.2 Glycine 3.4 5.7 5.3 5.3 5.9 4.3 5.8 Histidine 3.3 2.5 2.4 3.1 2.6 2.8 2.6 Leucine 5.1 5.8 6.2 7.0 6.4 7.4 6.5 lsoleucine 3.1 3.9 3.0 4.0 3.7 4.4 4.0 Lysine 4.5 4.0 3.5 5.9 3.3 6.1 3.5 Methionine 0.8 1.7 1.1 2.0 1.2 1.3 2.1 Phenylalanine 4.7 4.5 4.8 4.3 5.0 4.8 4.7 Proline 3.5 3.6 4.0 6.1 4.4 4.7 4.4 Serene 4.4 4.1 4.0 3.7 3.8 4.6 3.8 Threonine 3.5 3.6 2.6 4.0 3.1 3.9 3.7 Tyrosine 2.4 2.5 3.5 3.0 2.6 3.4 2.7 Valine 3.8 4.9 3.6 4.8 4.9 4.5 4.7
34. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 34 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 8 : Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard Commodity : EDIBLE MILLING GRADE SOYBEAN Standard Reference No: CS O 6 Parameter Specification Comment/Variation Description Edible soybeans of light hilum varieties for milling Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved soybean varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Genetic Modification (entire load) n/a The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted. Moisture Max (%) 12 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 70 .0 Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Soybeans ( Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 4.75mm round hole screen , unless otherwise stated ) Broken or Split (%) 10 .0 Defined as half soybean or greater parts thereof (with or without hull) that do not come within the definition of D amaged soybeans or Impurities. Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Total Defective n/a Damaged (%) Of which 3 .0 Includes soybeans and pieces of soybean which are diseased , frost damaged, immature, insect damaged, weed stained (including nightshade purple stain) , weather stained or otherwise materially damaged. Weather Stained Max (per half litre) 1 Discolouration of the soybean due to any reason that is not indicative of the variety. Includes field fungi discoloured (including purple stain) . Sprouted (entire load) Nil Sprouted seeds are those in which the seed coat has split and the primary root has emerged . Green (%) 2 .0 Are soybeans that are green in colour and of a chalky consistency . Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (%, wt/wt) 3 .0 Is all foreign material including soybean seed material and other foreign material falling through the 4.75mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 3%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impuritie s over 3% Seed Contaminants ( Maximum tolerance by count per half litre ) Type 1 * individual seed basis 5 Colocynth, Double Gee or Spiny Emex or Three Corner Jack, Long Headed Poppy, Mexican Poppy, Field Poppy, Horned Poppy, Wild Poppy, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed (Qld only) Type 2 (entire load) N il Castor Oil plant (Ricin u s communis) Coriander, Crow Garlic or wild Garlic, Darling Pea, Opium poppy, Ragweed, Rattlepods, Common Broomrape, Star Burr, St John ’ s Wort Type 3 (a) 2 Bathurst burr, Bulls Head or Caltrop or Cats Head, Cape Tulip, Cottonseed, Dodder, Noogoora Burr, Thornapple – (Datura spp or False Castor Oil) Bellvine Type 3 (b) 4 Vetch (Blue) and Vetch (Commercial) Type 3 (c) 8 Heliotrope (Blue) and Heliotrope (Common) Type 4 (a) 5 Bindweed (Field) Cutleaf Mignonette, Darnel, Hexham Scent (Hexham Scent is only acceptable if no tainting odour is present) or King Island Melilot, Hoary Cress, Mintweed, Nightshades, Paddy Melon, Skeleton Weed, Variegated Thistle Type 5 10 Creeping Knapweed or Russian Knapweed, Paterson ’ s C urse or Salvation Jane, Sesbania Pea. Type 6 10 Saffron Thistle Type 7 (a) 1 Chickpeas, Corn (Maize) Cowpea, Faba Beans, Lentils, Lupin, Field Peas, Safflower, Sunflower, Mung Beans, Adzuki Beans Type 7 (b) 5 Barley, Australian Bindweed, Black Bindweed, Wheat, durum, Black Oats, Sand Oats, Wild Oats, Common Oats, Rice, Rye (Cereal) Triticale, Turnip Weed, Forage Sorghum, any other weed seeds not specified in Types 1 – 7(a) or SFS Small Foreign Seeds 5 SFS – Small Foreign Seeds
43. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 43 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1 5 : Linola Standard Commodity : LINOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 1 3 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Linola of the species Linum usitatissimum with golden yellow seeds typical of the variety. Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved linola varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 40 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40% Linoleic Acid Min (%) 66 .0 Linolenic Acid Max (%) 3 .0 Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Moisture Max (%) 9 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Linola ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated, based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1 .0 mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum by count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 3.0 Is all foreign material including linola and other material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Cruciferous seeds (% wt/wt) 1.0 Maximum of Cruciferous seeds Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load i s to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large ( L ive and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small ( L ive and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for linola , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the linola, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
32. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 32 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 6 : Monounsaturated Sunflower Standard Commodity : SUNFLOWER – Monounsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 4 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Monounsaturated Sunflowers are sunflowers of the species Helianthus annuus with monounsaturated oil which has minimum 80% Oleic Acid and maximum 1% Linolenic Acid. Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved Monounsaturated sunflower varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 40 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40% Oleic Acid Min (%) 80 .0 Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Refractive Index 1.467 – 1.470 A Fatty Acid Profile test overrides the results from a Refractive Index test. Moisture Max (%) 9 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 32 .0 Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Sunflower ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2 .0 mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. Includes Sticky Exudate if the grain does not flow freely. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt), 80g sample 4.0 Is all foreign material including sunflower seed material and other foreign material falling through the 2.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1Snail/Stone ov er 3.0mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevils, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists o f permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for sunflowers , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the sunflowers, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
31. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 31 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 5 : Polyunsaturated Sunflower Standard Commodity : SUNFLOWER - Polyunsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 3 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Polyunsaturated Sunflowers are sunflowers of the species Helianthus annuus with polyunsaturated oil which has a minimum of 62% Linoleic Acid and maximum 1% Linolenic Acid. Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved Polyunsaturated sunflower varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 40 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40% Linoleic Acid (%) Min 62 .0 Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Refractive Index 1.472 – 1.474 A Fatty Acid Profile test overrides the results from a Refractive Index test. Moisture Max (%) 9 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 32 .0 Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Sunflower ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2 .0 mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy ( count per half litre) 1 Defective (%) of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Frost Damaged, Green, Immature, Insect Damaged, Weather Stained and Otherwise Materially Damaged. Includes Sticky Exudate if the grain does not flow freely. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt), 80g sample 4.0 Is all foreign material, including sunflower seed material and other material falling through the 2.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone over 3.0 mm in diameter/2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones over 3.0 mm in diameter. If one Snail/Stone is found over 3.0mm in diameter in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone less than 3.0mm in diameter/0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample less than 3.0 mm in diameter Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevil, earwigs, millipedes vegetable bugs and pea weevils (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved f or sunflowers, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the sunflowers, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
36. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 36 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 9 : Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard Commodity: EDIBLE MANUFACTURING GRADE SOYBEAN Standard Reference No: CSO 7 Parameter Specification Comment/Variation Description Edible soybeans of light hilum varieties for manufacturing Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved soybean varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Genetic Modification (entire load) n/a The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted. Moisture Max (%) 12 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 70 .0 Protein Min (%) DMB 40 .0 Measured on a dry matter basis Seed Retention Min (%) 90 .0 Retained on a 6 .00 mm round hole screen during the process of shaking the 4.75 mm round hole screen to determine Impurities . Germination Min ( % ) 85 .0 IOB 4ml Germinative Energy test for Sprouts only . Defective Soyb eans ( Maximum % wt/wt based on a cleaned half litre sample retained above a 4.75 mm round screen unless otherwise stated ) Broken or Split (%) 5 .0 Defined as half soybean or greater parts thereof (with or without hull) that do not come within the definition of D amaged soybeans or Impurities. Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Mouldy (count per half litre) 1 Total Defective n/a Damaged (%) Of which 3 .0 Includes soybeans and pieces of soybean which are, diseased, frost damaged, immature, insect damaged, weed stained (including nightshade purple stain) , weather stained or otherwise materially damaged. Weather Stained Max (per half litre) 1 Discolouration of the soybean due to any reason that is not indicative of the variety. Includes field fungi discoloured (including purple stain). Sprouted (entire load) Nil Sprouted seeds are those in which the seed coat has split and the primary root has emerged Green (%) 2 .0 Are soybeans that are green in colour and of a chalky consistency Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (%, wt/wt) 3 .0 Is all foreign material including soybean seed material and other foreign material falling through the 4.75mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 3%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 3% Seed Contaminants (Maximum tolerance by count per half litre) Type 1 * individual seed basis 5 Colocynth, Double Gee or Spiny Emex or Three Corner Jack, Long Headed Poppy, Mexican Poppy, Field Poppy, Horned Poppy, Wild Poppy, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed (Qld only) Type 2 (entire load) N il Castor Oil plant (Ricin u s communis) Coriander, Crow Garlic or wild Garlic, Darling Pea, Opium poppy, Ragweed, Rattlepods, Common Broomrape, Star Burr, St John ’ s Wort Type 3 (a) 2 Bathurst burr, Bulls Head or Caltrop or Cats Head, Cape Tulip, Cottonseed, Dodder, Noogoora Burr, Thornapple – (Datura spp or False Castor Oil) Bellvine Type 3 (b) 4 Vetch (Blue) and Vetch (Commercial) Type 3 (c) 8 Heliotrope (Blue) and Heliotrope (Common) Type 4 (a) 5 Bindweed (Field) Cutleaf Mignonette, Darnel, Hexham Scent (Hexham Scent is only acceptable if no tainting odour is present) or King Island Melilot, Hoary Cress, Mintweed, Nightshades, Paddy Melon, Skeleton Weed, Variegated Thistle Type 5 10 Creeping Knapweed or Russian Knapweed, Paterson ’ s C urse or Salvation Jane, Sesbania Pea. Type 6 10 Saffron Thistle Type 7 (a) 1 Chickpeas, Corn (Maize) Cowpea, Faba Beans, Lentils, Lupin, Field Peas, Safflower, Sunflower, Mung Beans, Adzuki Beans Type 7 (b) 5 Barley, Australian Bindweed, Black Bindweed, Wheat, durum, Black Oats, Sand Oats, Wild Oats, Common Oats, Rice, Rye (Cereal) Triticale, Turnip Weed, Forage Sorghum, any other weed seeds not specified in Types 1 – 7 (a) or SFS Small Foreign Seeds 5 SFS – Small Foreign Seeds
27. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 27 of 67 3.0 COMMODITY STANDARDS Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 1: Canola Standard Commodity : CANOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 1 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters Description Canola is defined as seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica rapa but containing less than 30 micromoles of specified glucosinolates per g of oil - free air - dry solids and not more than 2% erucic acid in the oil component, as a proportion of the total fatty acids content. The specified glucosinolates are any one or a mixture o f 3 - butenyl, 4 - pentenyl, 2 - hydroxy - 3 - butenyl and 2 - hydroxy - 4 - pentenyl glucosinolates . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved canola varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 42 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42% Free Fatty Acid (%) 1 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 2.5% Moisture Max (%) 8 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 62 .0 Rejectable under this limit Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Canola ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 Includes Insect Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Assessed on crushed seeds Mouldy (per 1,000 seeds) 5 Assessed on whole seeds before crushing Defective (%), of which 10.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3.0 Includes Diseased, Immature, Weather Damaged and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5.0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Green (%) 2.0 No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively, determine as Chlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 3.0 Is all foreign material including canola and other material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4%. Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone above 3.0mm screen / 2.5L Tolerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole screen. If one Snail/Stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4. 0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone below 3.0mm screen / 0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen. Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers, wood bugs, sitona weevils, earwigs, millipedes, vegetable bugs and pea weevil (dead only). Insects – Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid, all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only). Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end. Sclerotes (% by wt) 0.5 Canola Sclerotes. Sand/Soil (% by wt) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) Nil Commercially unacceptable material such as, but not limited to, harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for canola, musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the canola, sticks/stubble and pickled seed. Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) Nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
65. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 3 - 1 Page 65 of 67 Section 1: AOF 3 - 1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils (cont.) MAIN COMPONENT FATTY ACIDS Saturated Unsaturated Total Saturated Total Mono - saturated Total Poly - unsaturated Iodine value Saponification value Carbon double bonds 18 2 - 3 Castor (1) 85 180 Canola 20 - 24 6 62 28 112 190 Coconut 20 - 24 1 - 3 91 7 2 9 255 Corn (maize) 14 30 55 122 190 Cottonseed 25 21 54 108 192 Crambe 5 18 16 95 170 Linola 11 17 71 139 190 Linseed (4) 10 18 72 180 190 Oticica (2) 59(5) 7 150 190 Olive 14 75 9 80 Palm 52 38 10 52 200 Palm kernel 82 16 1 20 250 Peanut 18 44 34 100 190 Perilla (4) 5(30 9 13 78 200 190 Poppyseed 14 19 67 134 190 Rapeseed 4 9 17 21 104 175 Rice bran 19 39 42 87 190 Safflower 53(6) 10 12 78 145 190 Sesame 14 45 41 110 190 Soybean 1 15 22 63 135 190 Sunflower – hilin 1 11 24 65 134 190 Sunflower – lolin 1 11 32 56 125 190 Sunflower – mono 1 9 81 5 165 190 Unsaturated tung 80(7) 165 190
30. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 30 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 4 : Rapeseed Standard Commodity : RAPESEED Standard Reference No: CSO 2 Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters General Accepted Varieties As per Masterl ist Approved rapeseed varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 42 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42% Free Fatty Acid (%) 2 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 3.0% Moisture (Max) (%) 8 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Unlimited Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Rapeseed ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated, based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 Includes Insect Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Assessed on crushed seeds Mouldy (per 1,000 seeds) 5 Assessed on whole seeds before crushing Defective (%) , of which : 10 .0 Includes Diseased, Immature, Weather Damaged and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Green (%) 2 .0 No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively, determine as C hlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 3 .0 Is all foreign material including rapeseed and other material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4% Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone above 3.00mm screen /2.5L T olerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole screen. If one Snail/Stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/St one below 3.00mm screen /0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers , wood bugs , sitona weevils , earwigs, millipedes , vegetable bugs and pea weevils (dead only) Insects - Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid , all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sclerotes (% by wt ) 0.5 Canola Sclerotes. Sand/ Soil (% by wt ) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) N il Commercially unacceptable mater ial such as, but not limited to, harmful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for rapeseed musty seed and other material imparting an o dour to the rapeseed , sticks /stubble and pickled seed Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) N il Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
29. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 29 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 3 : Canola Quality Juncea Standard Commodity : CANOLA QUALITY JUNCEA Standard Reference No: CSJ 1 - a Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters Description Canola quality juncea is defined as seed of the species Brassica juncea but containing less than 30 micromoles of specified glucosinolates per g of oil - free air - dry solids and not more than 2% erucic acid in the oil component, as a proportion of the total fatty acids content. The specified glucosinolates are any one or a mixture of 3 - butenyl, 4 - pente nyl, 2 - hydroxy - 3 - butenyl and 2 - hydroxy - 4 - pentenyl glucosinolates. In addition, a maximum of less than 2 micromoles of allyl per g of oil - free air - dry solids must be present. The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Go vernment Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved canola varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 42 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42% Free Fatty Acid (%) 1 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 2.5% Moisture Max (%) 8.0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 62 .0 Rejectable under this limit Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Canola (Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 Includes Insect Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Assessed on crushed seeds Mouldy (per 1,000 seeds) 5 Assessed on whole seeds before crushing Defective (%) , of which 10 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3 .0 Includes Diseased, Immature, Weather Damaged and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Green (%) 2 .0 No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively, determine as C hlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 3 .0 Is all foreign material including canola juncea and other mater ial falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4%. Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone above 3.0mm screen /2.5L T olerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole screen. If one Snail/Stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejecte d. For stones a maximum weight of 4.0g applies. 1 Snail/St one below 3.0mm screen /0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen. Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers , wood bugs , sitona weevils , earwigs, millipedes , v egetable b ugs and pea weevils (dead only) Insects – Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid , all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sclerotes (% by wt ) 0.5 Canola Sclerotes. Sand/ Soil (% by wt ) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) N il Commercially unacceptable mater ial such as, but not limited to, h armful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for canola , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the canola , sticks /stubble and pickled seed . Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) N il Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
28. Issue No.1 3 , 1 August 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Page 28 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 1 Table 2 : Non - GM Canola Standard Commodity : CANOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 1 - a Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment Physical & Chemical Parameters Description Canola is defined as seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica rapa but containing less than 30 micromoles of specified glucosinolates per g of oil - free air - dry solids and not more than 2% erucic acid in the oil component, as a proportion of the total fatty acids content. The specified glucosinolates are any one or a mixture of 3 - butenyl, 4 - pentenyl, 2 - hydroxy - 3 - butenyl and 2 - hydroxy - 4 - pentenyl glucosinolates . The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted . Accepted Varieties As per Masterlist Approved canola varieties as listed in these Standards or on the AOF website . Oil (%) 42 .0 base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42% Free Fatty Acid (%) 1 .0 base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 2.5% Moisture Max (%) 8 .0 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum Test Weight Min (kg/hl) 62 .0 Rejectable under this limit Protein Unlimited Seed Retention Unlimited Germination Unlimited Defective Canola ( Maximum % wt/wt unless otherwise stated based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole screen ) Broken or Split (%) 7 .0 Includes Insect Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Heat Damaged, Bin Burnt (per 1,000 seeds) 1 Assessed on crushed seeds Mouldy (per 1,000 seeds) 5 Assessed on whole seeds before crushing Defective (%) , of which 10 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Damaged (%) 3 .0 Includes Diseased, Immature, Weather Damaged and Otherwise Materially Damaged. 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10% Sprouted (%) 5 .0 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum Green (%) 2 .0 No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively, determine as C hlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over. Contaminants (Maximum count per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying) Impurities (% wt/wt) 3 .0 Is all foreign mater ial including canola and other material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen . 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4%. Snails/Stones 1 Snail/Stone above 3.0mm screen /2.5L T olerance of 1 per 2.5 litre sample for any Snails/Stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole screen. If one Snail/Stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½ litre samples should be taken. If a Snail/Stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected. For stones a maximum weight of 4. 0g applies. 1 Snail/Stone below 3.0mm screen /0.5L Tolerance of 1 Snail/Stone per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen. Insects - Large (Live and/ or Dead) 10 Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers , wood bugs , sitona weevils , earwigs, millipedes , v egetable b ugs and pea weevil (dead only) Insects – Small (Live and/ or Dead) 100 Includes all species of aphid , all species of mites and stored product insects (dead only) Ryegrass Ergot (length in cm) 0.5 Maximum length of all pieces aligned end on end Sclerotes (% by wt ) 0.5 Canola Sclerotes. Sand/ Soil ( % by wt ) 0.06 Objectionable Material (entire load) N il Commercially unacceptable mater ial such as, but not limited to, h armful substances including live stored product insects, live pea weevil, glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, chemicals not approved for canola , musty seed and other material imparting an odour to the canola , sticks /stubble and pickled seed Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance by count per half litre to apply to individual seeds ) Type A (entire load) N il Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder, Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade Type E 65 Sesbania Pea
64. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 3 - 1 Page 64 of 67 Section 1: AOF 3 - 1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils MAIN COMPONENT FATTY ACIDS Caprylic Capric Lauric Myristic Palmitic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Carbon double bonds 8 - 0 10 - 0 12 - 0 14 - 0 16 - 0 16 - 1 18 - 0 18 - 1 18 - 2 18 - 3 Castor (1) 1 2 3 4 Canola 0.1 4 0.3 2 62 19 9 Coconut 8 7 48 16 8 1 4 6 2 Corn (maize) 8 7 48 12 2 30 54 1 Cottonseed 0.7 22 0.6 2 20 54 Crambe 3 2 18 10 6 Linola 7 4 17 69 2 Linseed (4) 6 4 18 19 53 Oticica (2) 7 6 5 Olive 1 12 1 2 75 9 Palm 1 47 4 38 10 Palm kernel 3.3 3.4 48 16 8 1 16 1 Peanut 1 10 0.2 3 44 34 66 Perilla (4) 2 2 51 18 7 2 13 12 2 Poppyseed 12 2 19 65 Rapeseed 4 1 17 13 8 Rice bran 17 2 39 39 3 Safflower 0.1 7 0.1 3 12 78 0.4 Sesame 9 5 45 41 Soybean 0.1 10 0.1 4 22 55 8 Sunflower – hilin 6 4 24 65 Sunflower – lolin 6 4 32 56 Sunflower – mono 4 0.1 4 80 10 Unsaturated tung 4 1 8 4 3
49. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 49 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Table 1 (cont): Vegetable Oil Standards Quality Parameter CSOF - 35 CSOF - 36 CSOF - 37 CSOF - 38 CSOF - 39 CSOF - 40 CSOF - 27 Sunflower Oil – Crude Degummed Sunflower Oil - Bleached Refined Sunflower Oil - Monounsaturated Crude Degummed Sunflower Oil – Crude High Oleic Sunflower Oil – High Oleic Refined Bleached Sunflower Oil – High Oleic Refined Bleached Deodorized Linola Oil – Crude Degummed Free Fatty Acids max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 2% max 0.25% max 0.10% max 2% Linoleic Acid m in 62% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a min 66% Linolenic Acid max 1% max 1% max 1% max 1% max 1% max 0.5% max 3% Oleic Acid n/a n/a min 80% min 80% min 80% min 80% n/a Erucic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Colour (AOCS - Lovibond units or Gardner, 1933, where indicated) max 6R 70Y (25.4mm) max 4R (133.35mm) max 6R 70Y (25.4mm) max 6R 70Y (25.4mm) max 4R (133.35mm) max 2R (133.35mm) max 5R 70Y (25.4 mm) Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities max 0.3% (Crude grade max.0.5%) max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.1 0 % max 0.3% Iodine Value 120 - 140 120 - 140 78 - 88 77 - 88 77 - 88 77 - 88 n/a Refractive Index 25 C 1.472 - 474 1.472 - 474 1.467 - 470 1.472 - 474 1.472 - 474 1.472 - 474 n/a Relative Density 25 C 0.914 - 920 0.914 - 920 0.914 - 917 0.909 - 0.915 0.909 - 0.915 0.909 - 0.915 n/a Saponification Value 190 - 196 190 - 196 190 - 196 182 - 194 182 - 194 182 - 194 n/a Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 1 0 max 10 Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% Phosphorus max 200ppm n/a max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a max 200ppm Sulphur n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Foots Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C n/a n/a n/a Clear at 65 0 C Heat Test n/a no break at 340 C heat bleaches n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C n/a min 150 C Chlorophyll n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a min 80% min 80% min 80% n/a For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm
50. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 50 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Table 1 (cont): Vegetable Oil Standard Quality Parameter CSOF - 4 CSOF - 31 CSOF - 32 CSOF - 25 CSOF - 26 CSOF - 28 CSOF - 29 Safflower Oil – Crude Degummed Safflower Oil - Monounsaturated Crude Degummed Safflower Oil - Bleached Refined Linseed Oil - Crude Linseed Oil – Refined Peanut Oil - Crude Peanut Oil - Bleached Refined Free Fatty Acids max 2% max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 0.25% Linoleic Acid Minimum 75% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Linolenic Acid max 1% max 1% max 1% n/a n/a n/a n/a Oleic Acid n/a min 75% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Erucic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Colour (AOCS - Lovibond units or Gardner, 1933, where indicated) max 5R 35Y (25.4 mm) max 5R 35Y (25.4 mm) max 4R (133.35mm) 10 12 Gardner max 5 Gardner max 4R 35Y (25.4 mm) max 2.5R (133.35mm) Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities max 0.3% (Crude grade max 0.5%) max 0.3% (Crude grade max 0.5%) max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.5% max 0.25% Iodine Value 138 - 150 141 - 147 138 - 150 min 175 min 175 85 105 85 105 Refractive Index 25 C 1.472 - 4755 1.473 - 1.476 1.472 4755 1.477 482 1.477 482 1.466 470 1.466 470 Relative Density 25 C 0.918 - 924 0.919 - 0.924 0.918 924 0.924 930 0.924 930 0.907 912 0.907 912 Saponification Value 190 - 196 186 - 194 190 196 188 195 188 195 188 196 188 196 Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 n/a max 10 max 10 max 10 Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1% max 1% Phosphorus max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Sulphur n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Foots Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C max 1% 96 hours Clear at 65 0 C n/a Clear at 65 0 C Heat Test n/a n/a no break at 340 C heat bleaches n/a no break AT 340 C heat bleaches n/a n/a Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C Chlorophyll n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm
48. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Page 48 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 2 Table 1: Vegetable Oil Standards Quality Parameter CSOF - 6 CSOF - 21 CSOF - 30 CSOF - 33 CSOF - 34 CSOF - 24 CSOF - 5 Canola Oil (*) - Crude Degummed Canola Oil (*) - Bleached Refined Rapeseed Oil - Crude Degummed Soybean Oil – Crude Degummed Soybean Oil - Bleached Refined Cottonseed Oil - Bleached Refined Cottonseed Oil - Alkali Refined Free Fatty Acids max 1% max 0.25% max 2% max 1% max 0.25% max 0.25% max 0.25% Linoleic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Linolenic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Oleic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Erucic Acid max 2% max 2% max 5% n/a n/a n/a n/a Colour (AOCS - Lovibond units or Gardner, 1933, where indicated) max 7R 70Y (25.4 mm) max 7R (133.35 mm) max 7R 70Y (25.4 mm) max 7R 70Y (25.4mm) max 5R (133.35mm) max 6R (133.35 mm) max 12R (133.35 mm) Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.25% max 0.25% Iodine Value 110 - 126 110 - 126 110 126 127 - 140 127 - 140 103 113 103 113 Refractive Index 25 C 1.470 472 1.470 472 1.470 472 1.471 - 475 1.471 - 475 1.470 472 1.470 472 Relative Density 25 C 0.910 916 0.910 916 0.910 913 0.915 - 922 0.915 - 922 0.911 917 0.911 917 Saponification Value 182 193 182 193 188 193 190 - 196 190 - 196 190 198 190 198 Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 2% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% Phosphorus max 200ppm n/a max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a n/a Sulphur max 10ppm max 10ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Foots Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C Clear at 65 0 C n/a n/a Heat Test n/a n/a n/a n/a no break at 340 C heat bleaches n/a n/a Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C min 150 C Chlorophyll 30ppm 30ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm (*) Canola oil is the oil from seed specified in any of Standard CSO1, CSO1 - a or CSJ1 - a
54. I ssue No.13 , August 1, 201 4 Section 1 AOF 1 - 3 Page 54 of 67 Section 1 AOF 1 - 3 Table 1: Quality Specifications – Oilseed Meals and Hulls Trading Standard Reference Commodity Name Oil (min %) Crude Protein (min %) Crude Fibre (max %) Moisture (max %) Retention max (%) 3mm screen Retention max (%) 2mm screen Glucosinolates (micromoles /g oil - free air - dry solids) Erucic Acid (%) Gossypol (%) Oilseed Meals CAN:M:392/93 Canola Meal Solvent 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 < 30 < 2 n/a CAN:M:392/94 Non GM Canola Meal Solvent 1 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 < 30 < 2 n/a CAN:M:391/93 Canola Meal Pressed 4 32 14 11 2 10 < 30 < 2 n/a CAN:M:391/9 4 Non GM Canola Meal Pressed 1 4 32 14 11 2 10 < 30 < 2 n/a COT:M:313/93 Cottonseed Meal Solvent Hi Pro 0.5 43 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a 0.10 COT:M:312/93 Cottonseed Meal Solvent 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a 0.10 COT:M:314/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed Hi Pro 6 40 17 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12 COT:M:315/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed 6 35 20 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12 COT:M:316/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed Full Fat 18 22 23 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12 LINOLA:M:341/94 Linola Meal Pressed 4 30 11 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a LIN:M:323/79 Linseed Meal Solvent 0.5 32 12 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a LIN:M:322/86 Linseed Meal Pressed 4 31 11 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a PEA:M:332/79 Peanut Meal Solvent 0.5 46 10 9 2 10 n/a n/a n/a PEA:M:331/79 Peanut Meal Pressed 4 44 10 9 2 10 n/a n/a n/a RAP:M:333/79 Rapeseed Meal Solvent 0.5 34 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a RAP:M:332/79 Rapeseed Meal Pressed 4 31 14 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SAF:M:362/79 Safflower Meal Solvent 0.5 23 32 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SAF:M:361/79 Safflower Meal Pressed 4 22 30 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SES:M:365/79 Sesame Meal Pressed 4 42 11 10 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SOY:M:372/79 Soybean Meal Solvent 0.5 46 7 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SOY:M:371/79 Soybean Meal Pressed 4 44 7 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SUN:M:382/93 Sunflower Meal Solvent 0.5 28 24 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a SUN:M:381/86 Sunflower Meal Pressed 4 27 22 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a 1 The adventitious presence of up to 5% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted Non - GM canola meal must only be processed from canola seed that has been traded, handled and stored as CS - 01A Non - GM Canola Seed. Seed traded as CS - 01A must follow industry guidelines for crop management, handling and traceability to ensure that customers purchasing the seed and/or the oil or meal from this seed can be assured of its identity. Under this Standard there will be no requirement for testing for presence of GM protein or DNA. However, commercial arrangeme nts for any additi onal testing between suppliers and customers can be negotiated as part of normal commercial practice.
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